Chapter 3014 Forced Marriage (62)

"..." Her eyes flickered and she looked at him.

Eyes that were born extraordinarily beautiful and seductive, looked up close, they were wet and soft, like a fawn born in Fangfang, they were extraordinarily bright, so bright that they were shining.

After listening to him, her shoulders seemed to relax a little.

After confirming that he didn't really agree, she didn't react too much.

The kitten's tail, which was about to droop at first, turned up in the next second, shaking and shaking. She tilted her head, smiled, and her red lips were soft. "Are there only two choices? Are there no other choices?"

I started to get skinny again, completely ignoring the previous lessons.

As soon as he found himself in the dominant position, he began to deliberately tease him.

Very playful.

"..." The man's eyes deepened.

The hands on both sides of her grabbed her and squeezed her, neither light nor heavy, and said in a calm tone, "What other choice does Si Si want?"

"Could it be that Si Si still has someone else he likes?"

At this time, he didn't show his dangerous appearance anymore, and asked extra calmly, without seeming to respond.

He probably wanted to tell her to let go of her guard, and then said it out of nowhere.

Yun Si, who had rarely won the initiative, looked at him with a smile on his face, and said, "Not now, but I'm not sure... Will there be in the future?"

"There are tens of thousands of men in the world, and there will always be one or two that I like. My brother is one. As for the others...maybe we will meet in the future?"

"..." Pei Tingwen looked at her calmly.

Such a smart and sensitive person in normal times, how could he not see that she was playing and deliberately teasing him at this time?

The little girl who looks soft and weak on the outside, quiet and elegant, is actually a clever and cunning guy who is particularly sensitive to the situation.

very bad.

He clearly knew what was on his mind, but when it was time to pierce it, he deliberately didn't pierce it.

Staring at him with exceptionally bright eyes, she smiled slyly.

Pei Tingwen pinched her hand, was silent for a moment, and let out a soft snort.

Knowing that she was playing, he didn't pierce, and silently cooperated, "Before then?"

He asked: "Before then, there are only two choices, who do you choose?"

"...Huh? There are only two?" She seemed to be in trouble, "Can't there be more choices?"

"Well, no."

Knowing that she was teasing him, he was not annoyed, and slowly narrated.

"Presumably you also know that the Third Highness wants to take you away and take you to his fief, and wait for the late emperor's funeral to complete the marriage contract with you."

"The request he made before His Majesty, His Majesty will most likely agree to it. If you don't want to go with him, you have to find a reason to stay, otherwise..."

"Otherwise?" Yun Si pursed her lips, wanting to hear what he would say.

The man who would not blush when he told thousands of lies, paused for a moment, and said: "Otherwise, you will be taken away by him, and you will never come back, never see your relatives, and never see your brother again." gone."

"If you are bullied in the future, no one will be able to protect you. The northern border is bitterly cold. If you are alone then, no matter how regretful you are, it will be too late."

"So, are you willing too?"

"..." Naturally, he was unwilling.


"Is marrying you the reason I can stay?"

"Is there no other way?" She said softly, with a mellow ending, like a hook, hooking people, "Marrying my brother sounds good, but I'm afraid..."

(End of this chapter)

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