The next day, Qi Mingze, who had been waiting for an answer, received the answer that the new emperor refused.

The new emperor euphemistically said that it was the time of the late emperor's funeral. As a son and minister, he should be diligent and filial, cut off rituals and music, not touch meat or women, keep the six senses quiet, and chant scriptures and pray for the late emperor.

Beside, don't think about it.

Therefore, in terms of etiquette and rules, he should not take his fiancée who has not been married.

Qi Mingze's request was rejected, and his wish to have a beautiful wife soon came to nothing.

Although Qi Mingze was not angry, he didn't dare to say anything.

After all, protecting his life is the most important thing now, the imperial city is full of people from the Pei family, he is really afraid - if the traitor Pei thinks of it one day and wants to attack him, then he may not even be able to protect himself.

With the green hills still there, he doesn't have to worry about no firewood. His first priority now is to save his life.

On the other hand, let's talk about it later when he recovers.

Fortunately, although his fourth brother didn't agree with him taking Yunsi away, he didn't say he couldn't take other women away either.

There are quite a few bed maids and concubines in his mansion, and he arranged for them to go to the fief first, but his fourth brother didn't say anything.


Half a month later, after packing his bags, he left the imperial capital quietly and low-key in a carriage with Sun Muzhen in plain attire.

Leaving the city gate is equivalent to leaving the sphere of influence of the Pei family, and it is equivalent to leaving the knife that has been around his neck and may be cut at any time.

After leaving the city gate, Qi Mingze sat on the carriage and looked back at the city gate that was getting farther and farther behind the car.

The city gate was guarded by officers and soldiers, and there was an endless stream of people coming and going from inside and outside. The merchants who came and went lined up one by one to accept the inspection of the city gate officers and soldiers.

Not far from the city gate, there were troops stationed there, the ground was covered with darkness, and the tents occupied a large open space.

Seen from a distance, it looks as if leeches were born and densely rooted in the soil, the number is innumerable, and the scale is huge.

These are all members of the Pei family now, and they are the trusted soldiers under that thief Pei Tingwen.

That dog thief, when he went to the battlefield in the early years, he did not forget to win people's hearts, and he pulled all the soldiers into his banner and became his own people.

It is said that this trusted soldier does not listen to others, not even the emperor, but only listens to Pei Tingwen.

He is loyal to the Pei family and has no second thoughts.

Qi Mingze had heard of such a statement, but he didn't take it seriously.

He looked at the army stationed in the distance, even though he was fleeing in a hurry at the moment, he was a defeated loser, he was still full of ambition and had a great vision.

He was thinking that one day, he would become the master of this army.

At that time, he will replace Pei thief and become their only master.

They will be used by him, and he can kill all the people he wants to kill with one order.

It won't be too long.

That day will surely come soon.

He lowered the curtain and sat back in the car, full of confidence.




After Qi Mingze left, the guards in the palace quickly returned to their normal state.

The palace people who were worried about the changing sky day by day in the palace could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

When the new emperor ascended the throne, although his handling methods were still immature, he was more gentle, not lax or strict, and well-regulated.

The palace people sent away the last incompetent emperor who was obsessed with having fun and crazily addicted to cultivating immortality and alchemy, and finally ushered in a normal emperor.

For a while, the palace people were praying in private that no changes would happen.

I only hope that the new emperor can do it for a little longer, and don't have other variables.

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