After Yun Linfeng agreed, the Pei family's dowry soon came.

Three letters and six ceremonies, three media and six engagements, dozens of cars of jewelry, gold and silver, came to the door in a mighty way.

Extremely luxurious, extremely exaggerated, and this is only a small part of the bride price.

The Pei family has been officials for generations, and there have been many powerful officials and soldiers, with prominent official careers.

It has been passed down to Pei Tingwen's generation, and there are so many good houses and shops under his name...the number is too numerous to count.

There is no need to worry about not having enough bride price.

When Lin Shuwan was welcoming the betrothal gift at the door, she was shocked by the great fortune of the Pei family for the first time, and she was so shocked that she couldn't speak.

The first batch of betrothal gifts alone filled the entire backyard of Yunfu.

There will be a second batch, a third batch...

The Pei family even gave away a few large houses, specially used for dowry gifts.

If it is not enough, we will send a few more in the future.

In comparison, the dowry prepared by the Yun family for Yunsi was nothing worth mentioning.

For this reason, Lin Shuwan was worried that after her daughter married into the Pei family, her daughter would be bullied with such a disparity in status and financial resources.

But looking back at the client, as a person who is about to get married, Yun Si is smiling every day, eats and drinks, doesn't worry about anything, and even gets fatter, with more flesh on her face.

Pei Tingwen came to see her, and the two of them sat together in the pavilion in the backyard and talked.

As if they have known each other for a long time, they speak and act casually.

Sometimes, they will hold hands and depend on each other.

I don't care how intense the rumors are spreading outside.

Regardless of the gossip outside, they are not affected, one took the initiative to hold hands, the other was held, did not say anything, just laughed.

Looking at it this way, it doesn't seem like Pei Tingwen's wishful thinking to forcefully marry an innocent girl.

It is clear that the man is affectionate, the concubine is interested, and the two are consensual.

Lin Shuwan, who saw everything in her eyes, secretly grabbed her daughter after Pei Tingwen left, and asked seriously: "Sisi, do you like Mrs. Pei?"

"...Huh?" The rosy-faced, delicate-looking person looked at her with a smile on his face, "Did you see it?"

Asking this way is an indirect acknowledgment.

Lin Shuwan was in a complicated mood for a while, mixed with joy and worry, "Sisi...this Pei family..."

It's not possible to survive just by relying on a little girl Huaichun's liking.

Then Pei Tingwen is not a good person at all, she is a stupid girl who doesn't understand anything, so she just married like this——

She hesitated.


"That's's okay." The matter is a foregone conclusion, what else can she say?

Lin Shuwan touched her very cherishingly, "Master Pei... you just need to get along well, don't start arguing, you know?"

Before she got married, she began to worry that Yun Si might be bullied in the future.

With such a big gap in status between the two parties, in the future, she might not be able to speak out in Pei's family, could not be the master, and would be wronged.

In this way, the appearance is glamorous, but the inside is full of pain, and the young girl in the blooming season has become a boudoir and resentful wife——

Just thinking about it makes people feel sad and pitiful, and they can't bear to push him into the fire pit.

Lin Shuwan's eyes were full of sorrow, and she looked at her tenderly and pitifully, as if she was not going to marry, but to die.

"..." Yun Si hugged her, "Mother, I know, don't worry, mother, from now on, my lord and I will live a good life."

"In the future, I will often come back to see Dad and you, don't worry, huh?"

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