Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3037 Light Year Distance

Although she didn't see it, she believed it.

After all, the few days when it rained heavily were really evil.

The weather was freezing, the electricity was out, the telecommunications system was completely out, and the satellite signal was said to be out of reach.

It was so abnormal that even the experts present on the news couldn't explain why. They only vaguely said that an alien planet might have passed by and affected the magnetic field of the earth, and nothing else was mentioned.

Those few days were really terrific, until the rain stopped, everything returned to normal, and the temperature also rose, which made people put their hearts in their stomachs.

Ning Xuan said firmly with an expression of you trusting me, "What if? Maybe there are aliens."

Yun Si smiled and said, "It can't be called a human, can it? It's not so much an alien, it's better to say that there may be alien creatures."

When Ning Xuan heard this, she clapped her hands, "Yes! Aliens! You can't say they are aliens, but aliens."

"The universe is so big, there must be other species, but they don't necessarily look the same as us humans, right?"

"..." Yun Si was thoughtful, "Alien species?"

She thought of what she had encountered a few days ago, something that she didn't know what it was.

Is it an alien species?

Yun Si suddenly took out her mobile phone from her bag, "Just now you said that someone saw an alien? Where is it? Can you push that person to me?"

Ning Xuan was a little surprised by her sudden reaction, "Ah? What kind of alien, I saw it on the Internet."

"Online? Which website? Can you push the website to me?"

Ning Xuan hesitated to pick up the phone, not understanding what she wanted to do, "Yes, yes..."

Turning on her phone, she rummaged through it and sent her a link to a discussion post.

"Hey, I sent you."

Yun Si thanked her, keeping her eyes on the phone.

Normally, she doesn't pay much attention to things on the Internet, but she didn't expect that if she encounters strange things, it means that other people may also encounter the same strange things.

Click on the forum, and the discussion below is quite hot.

There are a lot of comments, all talking about their encounter with monsters.

The words were clear and precise, and Yun Si roughly wrote down a few words.

All text, no photos, no convincing at all.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?" Ning Xuan looked at her suspiciously.

Yun Si quickly put away the phone, "It's okay, just looking around casually, I think these aliens are quite interesting."

She was calm and composed, and didn't want to say anything more.

When the cafeteria arrived, she threw her phone back into her bag, "Let's go, eat first."

Not knowing why, Ning Xuan followed her, "Oh...okay."




Strange things continue.


Yun Si, who came out of the laboratory and wanted to change her lab coat, inadvertently heard the complaints from the students in the next-door laboratory, complaining that many instruments involved in measuring precise data were out of use in the past two days, which made them unable to do experiments. progress.

Yun Si took off her lab coat, folded it, and put it back in her closet. At this time, Ning Xuan also came in from the outside, complaining.

"Ah, it's so annoying! I can't get NMR or IR for the past two days!"

Not only the laboratory next door, but also the equipment and instruments dedicated to their laboratory were broken in sevens and eighties.

Without these instruments, there is no quantitative evaluation of what they make, and it is difficult to determine how well it is done.

If it is impossible to determine whether the experimental data meets the standards, it will not be able to advance, and it has to remain stagnant.

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