Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3084 Light Year Distance

"You really didn't quarrel?" Ning Xuan reconfirmed.

Yun Si laughed, "Don't worry, there really isn't."

"That's good." Ning Xuan put her heart into her stomach completely, "Then your boyfriend is now..."

"He has something to do, so go back first."

Yun Si looked natural, "Let's go, let's go downstairs first."

"Oh..." Ning Xuan turned her head three times at a step.

"You really didn't quarrel, did you?" She asked tirelessly.

"Well, no."

"Really not?"


"That's good……"




Yun Si's words made Ning Xuan feel relieved, but after that, she never saw Ah Jiu again.

After the summer vacation was over and she came back from the beach, she watched——Yunsi resumed her single life again, going to and from school alone, doing experiments until late at night and going back alone.

Ah Jiu never appeared again, like an illusory person who only appeared for a short while and then disappeared.

Yun Si never mentioned him, even if she asked, she would only answer a few general words.

Ah Jiu is mysterious, and her identity is like a cloud of fog in the universe. From a distance, she can't see anything clearly, but she is inexplicably attractive.

Ning Xuan couldn't help asking her: "Are you and Ah Jiu okay? Is he busy? Don't you miss him?"

"..." Yun Si, who had answered countless times, had a helpless expression, "Well, we are fine, we really didn't quarrel."

"Then why doesn't he come to pick you up? Isn't he worried about you?"

"He's busy."

"No matter how busy you are, you have to come."

"..." Yun Si lowered her head and said casually, "No need, I can do it by myself."

Ning Xuan didn't understand how she did it, she was able to be so calm and open-minded, smiling every day, and she didn't have any bad emotions.

She sighed, "Okay then."

The person involved didn't care. As a bystander, what else could she say?

In the laboratory, Yun Si took off her gloves and was about to go to the bathroom.

The junior came from outside, and the two happened to meet. Yun Si nodded slightly to him, walked over without saying anything.

The junior stayed where he was for a moment, lowered his head, and walked in quietly.

The two of them were just like this, they were strangers, and they only maintained the most basic polite acquaintance.

He was still the little sun whom all the brothers and sisters in the laboratory liked, but he never took the initiative to talk to her again.

Ning Xuan saw this scene in her eyes, and sighed, "What kind of evil fate is this..."

So pitiful.

She turned back silently.




In the third month after the monster left——

winter is here.

When the bleak and cold wind from the northwest went south, it also brought the long-lost ice and snow.

The first snow falls, one after another, as if the world is covered with a thin fleece, decorated with white, light and ethereal.

It was snowing, and the fine snow fell on the branches and under the dim street lights on the side of the road.

In the silent late night, there were very few people on the main road of the campus.

The cold wind is howling, and the snow on the ground is light and thin, like a thin carpet. Step on it, and the footprints fall down, leaving a long row of shallow ones.

Nearly 12:30, Yunsi was carrying a bag, wearing a thick and soft padded jacket, wrapped in a scarf, and stopped under the street lamp.

The snow was falling lightly, but the wind was a bit strong, blowing her. She was covering her scarf, showing her bright eyes, looking up at the dark sky.

There are meteors across the sky, and in the blink of an eye, they leave a long, beautiful meteor tail, which is fleeting.

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