Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3095 Light Year Distance

Even if you accidentally get separated, it doesn't matter, he will come back——

As long as she is here, he can get it back.

It is an existence that is extremely easy to support, and it is also an existence that is extremely difficult to deal with and cannot be shaken off.

Others never cared about him, only when they were in trouble and needed him, they would look for him a few times.

Only she, after he finished speaking, frowned and looked serious, "How could he not care about you?"

"You are a very precious existence. To me, you are the most important person. I care about your feelings, whether you are happy or not. How can you not care?"

She didn't want him to belittle himself, belittle himself, and feel that it didn't matter if he was treated casually.

Precious guy, you should be taken seriously, how can it be okay?

His snoring stopped when she was very serious and said he was very precious with a straight face.

His fingertips were cold, and he just looked at her quietly for a long time.

Monsters don't have emotions, maybe they do, but they're just flat, with subtle changes in their reactions.

He was suddenly quiet, and his human-skinned face was like a piece of white paper, without any change, like ruins—the lifeless, dilapidated ruins after the war.

Abandoned for too long, when the sun suddenly fell, everything became white and hazy, as if at a loss, and suddenly seemed to have the hesitation of candy.

He was thinking—thinking about her words.

Maybe, I'm trying to think more presumptuously.

His hand was cold, cold and dry, when it touched her face, it lost strength and became very gentle.

Bit by bit, fingertips across.

The snoring sound slowly and again, from dense small bubbles to big bubbles, like boiling water in a kettle——

"Gudu Gudu... Gudu Gudu..."

【yes? 】

He asked softly.

It's been a long time since I was despised by others, and it's the first time someone is willing to treat a piece of garbage like this.

He made a low, gurgling sound from his chest, changing from slow to fast, becoming hasty, excited, and vibrating.

The sound was too loud, as if an engine was hidden inside the body.

Intense and aroused.

Yun Si looked at him, blinked, her eyes were clear, "Yes."

She always showed her preference for him without hesitation, without reservation.

"This is called liking, you know?" She taught him with a smile.

"Like is that he is shining in your eyes, unique, like gems, do you know gems? In our human world, gems are very precious, priceless, and can be exchanged for any amount of money not coming."

"You are my gem. No one will give it to anyone who wants it. It is mine."

To her, he is a very precious existence, but to him...

The monster grunted softly, thinking——she is like Bosria.

Boslia, the most beautiful, brightest and softest flower he has ever seen in the universe, was born in the most barren, desolate and dilapidated place, but it has always grown strong.

The flowers are gorgeous, blooming freely like an open flame, and the bright and moving color like violets symbolizes light and beauty.

Everyone wants to go after it, to get it—

Only he is not qualified.

Getting Bosria means happiness, which he shouldn't have.

but now……

He seems to have found his Bosria.


His eyes gradually revealed his greedy and lustful side. (end of this chapter)

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