Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 3103 Light Year Distance

Chapter 3103 Light Year Distance (End)

Obviously there is no difference, obviously it seems that the person is still there, compared with the last second, hour, or day ago, it is still the same.

With her eyes closed, she seemed just asleep, in a deep, sweet dream, quiet and gentle.

Obviously, everything is still the same as many days before.

But it seems that there is something different.

In this extremely slow and fast moment, death came so silently.

I watched helplessly, but couldn't stop it.

It makes people powerless, and desperately can't believe it, and subconsciously resists.

It always makes people feel, no, this is not right, this is impossible...

The monster who had been guarding the bed all the time, when this moment came, he stood still for tens of seconds.

The perennially cold hand, habitually, went to hold her.

Her hands are always warm, warm and soft, like a stove, always warming him.

But, this time, the warmth was gone.

The temperature was gradually disappearing, her chest was dead silent, and there was no more ups and downs.

It's not a joke, this time... She doesn't seem to wake up again.

The monster approached for the first time, caressing her face gently and carefully.

[Si...Si Si? 】

No one answered him.

In the past, the person who always pretended to be asleep to tease him, this time, with his eyes closed, his face was calm and pale, without any change.

The familiar yet beautiful and soft aroma in the air is fading away, and gradually, like a flower petal without roots, it drifts away with the wind.

I want to grab it, but I can only watch them pass through my fingers.

It's still the same, the same person, the same body, it looks like it's still alive, but just asleep, but...

The monster's fingers became trembling, trembling violently.


The voice became hasty and intense, like someone about to suffocate in the heavy rain.

He gently and carefully picked her up, held her in his arms, and stroked her increasingly cold face.

Like a lone wolf that lost its partner, it wandered around, calling constantly—trying to wake her up.

【Si Si...Si Si...】

[I know you're awake, stop playing, okay? 】

【Si Si...】

He called softly, trying to wake her up from her sleep.

Constantly touching, gentle, careful, and extremely cherished.

【Si Si...】

Monsters don't cry, and there are no human tears.

Can't get red eyes, can't even secrete a drop of liquid.

Unable to express his emotions, he could only do this, calling her tirelessly over and over again.

Chest tremor, irregular, very sharp high-frequency sound, like screaming, like weeping, and like infinite panic.

[Stop's not fun at all... Si Si... Si Si...]

No answer to him, no, no, not a word.

[Not fun... not fun at all! 】

The person who once promised him, the person who was always extra naughty and always liked to tease him, seems to have missed the appointment at this moment.

She left.

The fragrance of flowers in the air is getting weaker and weaker, almost none at all.

No matter how many times he yelled, countless times - he couldn't remember.

No one answered him again, and she no longer opened her eyes, nor looked at him with a smile.

The frequency of the sound in the chest was getting higher and higher, the chandelier was shaking, the glass was shaking, and the screams were crazy and out of control, almost destroying the house.

Destruction, his happiness, all of him, was being destroyed.

The human skin is fading, and the ugly, horrifying monster of flesh is holding the lifeless person in its arms.

For a long time.

For a long time.

So long that I don't know what year and month, so long...

The eyes, those eyes the size of an adult's fist, were dark and thick, empty, and gradually covered with monstrous sorrow and hatred.

Lifting it up in an instant, the dark eyes were full of irrational madness.

Screams, ultra-high-frequency screams, at this moment, centered on him, spread throughout.

Space-time stands still, and space begins to distort and rupture.


The chandelier fell heavily and shattered all over the floor.

[Liar... Liar——]

(End of this chapter)

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