Chapter 3105 Who am I...? (2)

"..." Yun Si looked at him and pursed her dry lips.

Perhaps because of illness, her cheeks are pale, and there is not much flesh on her face. The whole face is thin and small, and the pale pink lips are slightly drawn, soft, looking weak and slender, like a cute and pitiful puppy. human kitten.

The forehead is wet, the hair is slightly raised, curled up in a small arc.

She is an exceptionally beautiful person, with fair skin and clean eyes, like a delicate doll, soft all over, and soft breath, one can't help but want to touch it.

She sat on the bed, looked at him, and looked at the water he handed over. She didn't speak, hesitated, and took it.

The glass of water was gone quickly, and she was indeed thirsty.

After drinking, she handed it back, and said softly, "Thank you."

Polite and polite, with a nasal voice after a cold.

The man has been looking at her with a gaze she can't understand for a long time.

When she reached out to touch her, she subconsciously avoided it, showing a movement of resistance.


His hand was empty, and she looked at him with clear and unfamiliar eyes, as if she was looking at a random stranger on the side of the road, without any emotion, only with a little guard and alienation.

I don't know, she...

Don't remember him.

The man's hand was stagnant in mid-air, and he seemed to be stunned for a moment, looking at her with deep eyes.

Extremely complicated, it seems sad, it seems that you can't get what you want, and it seems that the passion is out of control.

Like getting some lost and found treasure, I want to touch it, but I'm afraid it's just a dream, so be careful with your movements, for fear of losing it again.

Yun Si couldn't read the emotion in his eyes, and didn't know who he was.

He meant no harm, she knew, it was just...

She hugged her leg and looked at him suspiciously: "We..." Do you know each other?

The man didn't answer, looking at her, his eyes seemed a little moist.

Long time no see, really... too long, too long.

He has been looking for her, always, never gave up.

The fingers that were slowly falling trembled a little, he suppressed his voice that was about to choke, and looked at her: "Si Si."

The extremely gentle voice between the lips and teeth seemed to come from a very, very far place, traveling thousands of miles and overcoming all difficulties to come to her.

He didn't want to get too excited, he was afraid of scaring her, and he was also afraid that she would completely break up with him.

The way she looked at him was too strange, indifferent, and the distance also receded, no longer like before, looking at him and smiling, full of dependence in her eyes.

After being separated for too long, everything is changing.

The man lost his composure, turned his head, took a deep breath, and tried hard to control himself.

Even though he knew that she had a relationship with him, he didn't lose control, he calmed down, he was calming down his emotions.

Yun Si stared at his back for a long time, until he calmed down and turned around again.

"Sorry, I scared you just now."

His words were gentle and restrained, and he looked at her with kindness, without any malice.

A nice guy, it seems, who also knows her.

The fox eyes that were supposed to be passionate and flirtatious, but at this moment, they were all about her.

She was dripping with sweat, he got up and went to the cabinet to get some clean clothes, and put them by the bed, with a tone as if coaxing a child.

"You change your clothes first, and we'll talk after we're done, shall we?"

Yun Si didn't speak, she glanced at her clothes and then at him.

How considerate he was, after finishing speaking, he turned around and left, leaving her a separate and safe space.

The door of the room was closed, and he stayed outside the door.

On the side of the face, the gentle face gradually cooled down and was hidden under the haze.

There was no trace of warmth in the eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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