Chapter 3108 Who am I...? (5)

The tenderness and compassion in his eyes almost overflowed.

In his life, the only concern left was her, and he only had her, and she was the only one left.

He touched her hair gently and carefully, as if touching some fragile porcelain.

Si Si... Si Si... He kept calling her nickname in his heart.

A hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times, countless times... Finally, God heard his prayer.

He found her.

He was deeply relieved, suppressing the emotions that kept rushing up in his chest, and the happiness he got after suffering, and the happiness he got as he wished, allowed him to completely forget everything that was bad in the past.

It doesn't matter anymore, it doesn't matter, as long as she is fine and she is still there.

"Si Si."


"It's okay, I just want to call you." He smiled provocatively, and approached slowly.

He didn't even touch her, just looked at her from such a close distance, as if he couldn't get enough of her, "You eat, it's fine, I won't disturb you."

Yun Si: "..."

He is really, really weird.

The doubts in Yun Si's heart grew bigger and bigger.




After dinner, Yunsi's manager, Qiao Qiaoqiao, called to care about her health.

In this life, she is an actress—an unknown transparent actor, the kind who often plays soy sauce in TV dramas to be a passerby.

Logically speaking, the Wen family is rich and has an official background. She is a stepdaughter, so she shouldn't be so miserable.

However, both her stepfather and her mother objected to her entering the showbiz, and didn't want her to go into those muddy waters. In order to make her retreat, they forbade her to mention Wen's house outside, and wanted her to suffer. know back.

Without a background, and unwilling to accept unspoken rules, it is natural that there will be no good dramas in the entertainment industry.

Therefore, after being in the circle for many years, Yun Si has always been a transparent person with little fame and very few fans.

Her manager was assigned to her by the Wen family, mainly to help her take on the dramas - all kinds of soy sauce dramas.

The two get along well.

Yun Si answered the phone, and Qiao Qiaoqiao asked in the first sentence: "Si Si, how are you feeling better?"

Yun Si rubbed her swollen belly, leaned on the sofa, hummed, and closed her eyes, "It's much better."

Qiao Qiaoqiao breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. I was worried when I heard that you had a fever two days ago. What about now? Is your nose still stuffed? Are you still coughing?"

"No, everything is fine."

"Then you have to rest well." Qiao Qiaoqiao is a chatterbox and keeps talking, "Although it's just a small fever, it may be fatal. The water was so cold that day, and you happened to be having your period. Once it gets burned, there is no guarantee that there will be any sequelae... Uncle, I will get angry when I talk about this, at that time Li clearly did it on purpose, she just tripped you into the water on purpose."

Originally, the filming was going well, and Yun Si just used it as a background board, but Shi Li, who played the role of the third female role, went crazy for some reason, and suddenly stretched her feet when Yun Si changed positions.

Next to it is a lake, the water is still stinky, cold and smelly, Yun Si tripped and fell into the lake without noticing—

Every time Qiao Qiaoqiao thinks about it, she gets very angry.

However, after the incident, Shi Li still looked innocent and careless, ran over to apologize, and said hypocritically that you wouldn't mind, right?

... She was simply pissed off.

If it wasn't for being stopped by a group of people, Qiao Qiaoqiao really wanted to slap her twice and kick her into the lake.

(End of this chapter)

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