Chapter 3111 Who am I...? (8)

This is the main purpose of her visit this time, on the one hand to see her, and on the other hand to show her the script.

Qiao Qiaoqiao, who was so excited that she didn't sleep well all night, took out the script from her backpack and stuffed it to her.

"This is a big production, a very big one, with hundreds of millions of investment. It is completely different from the previous dramas we took on. They were not on the same level. This time it is really amazing."

Yun Si looked at the script in her hand that was as thick as a dictionary, flipped through it briefly, and asked, "Am I playing a maid this time? A passer-by? Or a bun seller on the street?"

"Eh! Not at all." Qiao Qiaoqiao looked excited, as if she couldn't help revealing it but wanted to keep it a secret first, "Guess what, this time, our role is too heavy."

"..." Yun Si looked down, "That's... this."

She pointed to the one with the most names in the script, the first female, personal maid A.

"This, is it heavy enough?"

"'s almost the same, and the scenes may be a little less than this."

Qiao Qiaoqiao took her hand and flipped forward a large volume of thick scripts, which were painted with highlighters.

"Well, although there are not many roles in this big production, it is more important than what we have played before, and it was the female lead... in the previous life, the role is very important, much more important than that personal maid. "

"..." Yun Si was amused by her funny and exaggerated tone, "Really? Is this role mine?"

"Emm... almost, this one may need... a mirror."

Qiao Qiaoqiao suddenly grabbed her shoulder, with a serious face, "It's okay, don't be afraid, we have a relationship."

"what relationship?"

"Director Li, Director Li and the audition director of this film are old classmates for many years. He introduced us to the past. He said that this role is very suitable for you, and the possibility of being selected is very high."

Yun Si didn't hit her either, just said with a smile, "It's okay, it's okay if you don't get selected, it's fine if you can make soy sauce in a big production, you think, since it's a big production, the salary should be... [-] days Bar?"

"..." Qiao Qiaoqiao was left speechless by her Buddhism, "Five hundred? You only care about this 500 yuan? Please, if you can face this role, the salary will be [-] a day!"

Yun Si immediately covered her mouth, "Fifty thousand?!"

This is really an astronomical figure, compared to the one or two hundred a day salary she took over before.

Qiao Qiaoqiao said: "It's still low, because it's a big production, and the possibility of becoming famous is very high. Many people are staring at this role, and the salary is not caring at all."

According to the market price, fifty thousand can be said to be the price of cabbage.

However, according to Yunsi's family background - there is not much difference between [-] and [-], so she does not rely on acting to make money, but purely as a hobby to earn pocket money.

Qiao Qiaoqiao said: "In the next two days, you should read the script first. The audition will be about a week later. I will inform you of the specific time."

"Remember, this scene is very important, very very important, and you must never miss it." Her expression was serious and serious, "It's hard to get an audition opportunity for such a big production, and finally, you will be able to get rid of the constant nightmare immediately." The fate of soy sauce!"

This is really exciting to say.

Yun Si straightened her face and nodded firmly, "Okay, for fifty thousand a day, I will do my best."

Qiao Qiaoqiao: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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