"Oh." Qiao Qiaoqiao put the phone back without thinking too much, "But your brother, why do you care so much about you? Are you two okay?"

"Well, it's fine."

Yun Si's eyes slowly opened, looking ahead, quietly, with light emotions, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Bai Ruan's face was calm, his eyes were dark and dark, and he looked sideways out of the window, silent for a long time.

There was only one minute left in the check-in time. Qiao Qiaoqiao put away her bag, covered her with a blanket, and stood next to her.

"What are you thinking about? Aren't you sleepy?"

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, the plane will fly for three hours, I won't disturb you, we will sleep together."

She woke up early in the morning and was sleepy too.

"..." The man who was too sleepy to lift his head just now lifted the blanket and stood up, "I'm going to the toilet."

"Huh? Oh, do you want me to accompany you?"

"No, you go to bed first."

Qiao Qiaoqiao straightened up, turned her head, and followed her with her eyes, only watching her walk to the back of the aisle. When she met the stewardess, they exchanged a few words with each other briefly, and the stewardess led her to the back.

Qiao Qiaoqiao sat down again, covered herself with a small blanket, and closed her eyes.

"Hmm... really sleepy."





Five minutes later, Yun Si, who came back from the toilet, did not return to her seat immediately, but stood in the last row of the first-class cabin and stopped for a while.

He raised his gaze and settled on the row behind where she was.

The distance between the two rows of seats is more than two meters wide, and the interval is extremely wide. The two seats are next to each other, one of which is empty, and the other... is seated.

By the window, directly behind her.

Looking through the gap between the seats, she fell on the person sitting quietly, and Yun Si looked at his hands—hands with black pull rings, broad joints, well-defined veins, hands full of lust and restraint.

Quietly, resting on one side, tap your index finger lightly, once, once, and again, with a very small amplitude, but with a rhythm.

It seems to be waiting for someone, and it seems to be in a leisurely mood, looking at the scenery outside the window - although there is no beautiful scenery outside the window at the moment.

Yun Si watched on the spot, staring at his hand all the time.

After standing still for a long time, her fingers trembled slightly, as if expressing her inner unrest at the moment.

Heart skipped a beat.

The stewardess at the side saw that she was not moving, so she came over to ask, but she shook her head, said she was fine, and continued walking.

When she was about to pass the row where he was, she pretended to be casual and took a look.

After a quick glance, she met a pair of gloomy and cold eyes——

Cold, the first impression is that it is cold, chilly, frighteningly cold, and the spine is shivering inexplicably.

He was sitting on the seat, with long hands and long legs, deep eyes and a high nose. Under the sunken eye sockets, there was a light blue-gray light, his pupils glowed with dark red light, and between his brows, there was a deep depression that could not be wiped away.

Like a poisonous snake with its head curled up, its hungry stomach was staring at her with a careless but extremely hard-to-ignore gaze.

Faintly, revealing a somewhat familiar feeling.

Yun Si looked at him and paused unconsciously.

Qiao Qiaoqiao, who had been waiting for her to return to her seat, heard footsteps and turned around, "Si Si?"

"..." Yun Si casually looked down at her, "Huh?"

"What are you looking at? It's about to take off, come back and sit down."

Her urging inexplicably had the illusion of saving her back, pulling her out of the cold cellar and back to reality.

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