"What's wrong? What are you looking at?"

"...Nothing, just take a look."

... If I knew she would have asked for her contact information on the plane.

She averted her gaze, thinking that she didn't know if she would meet again in the future.

"Oh..." Qiao Qiaoqiao sat back and continued to look at her phone.

After swiping the phone for a while, she came over again, "Si Si, the audition time has been changed again, to tomorrow."

Then why did they come in such a hurry today?How do you feel being tricked?

"Wait...the audition order has also been changed? Why is the crew arrangement so chaotic? Now we are arranged in..."

As she was talking, she suddenly fell silent.

"Huh?" Yun Si looked over, and the two looked at each other. Qiao Qiaoqiao was speechless, and put the phone in front of her, "No. 379, the last one."





The audition was held at a large theater on the outskirts of the city. It was still early, so Yun Si went back to the hotel to rest.

She didn't sleep well all night, and after running around all morning, she didn't even eat lunch, so she fell asleep with her head covered.

I slept until night, and it was already dark. It started raining outside at some point, and it was raining heavily.

Yun Si woke up from hunger. She was dazed in sleep. She got up and took a look at her phone.

There are a lot of missed calls on the phone, about a dozen, and there are also many new messages that have not been read, almost all of which are from Wen Ci.

I've probably been waiting for her message, sending several messages every half an hour, waiting and waiting, waiting for her reply.

Yun Si simply scanned and replied a few words.

The second after the message was sent, his phone rang.

"..." Yun Si looked at the phone, speechless.

After ringing for a while, she finally answered, "Hello?"

"Si Si, are you awake?"

He seemed to know that she had gone back to the hotel to sleep, so he spoke slowly and not in a hurry.

Yun Si hummed, and turned to look at the sky outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

It was raining, and the cold rainwater gathered into thin streams of water on the smooth glass, flowing down continuously.

Reflecting the neon lights of the city at night, the light and shadow are vague, dazzling and blurred, the red is soft, and the green is misty.

She rubbed her eyes and put her hands on her empty belly.

"Gulu~" my stomach growled.

"Are you hungry?" Wen Ci asked on the phone as if he could read his mind.

Yun Si lowered her head, combed her hair briefly, and said slowly, "Yes."

"I made an order, and it should be here soon, just wait, I'll call again to remind you."

Even when he was not with her, he was always thinking about her, always worried that she would have a bad life and be hungry.

While talking, after Wen Ci hung up the phone, the next second——

"Ding dong—" the doorbell rang.

Yun Si paused, looked up, surprised.

The timing is so accurate? ? ?
Get out of bed, go to open the door, there are indeed food deliverers, two women, five, six, seven or eight men, one of the waitresses is standing in front of the door, smiling.

"Hello miss, the dinner you ordered has arrived. I am Selina from the food delivery service center, and I am here to serve you."

After all, bow and bend at ninety degrees.

"..." Yun Si glanced at the food delivery team behind her. Everyone was pushing a dining cart. There were more than a dozen dishes on the dining cart.

She suddenly fell silent.

With so many dishes, Wen Ci, do you think she is a pig?

"...Excuse me, can I exchange them for a set meal for two? (End of this chapter)

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