"I've warned you a long time ago..."

Behind him, an inexplicable voice came out, which was strange and ghostly, with a chuckle that was not too serious for watching the excitement.

Jie Jie laughed out loud, as if he was mocking his current desolation and embarrassment.

"I have already said that she is no longer the person you remember."

"Even if you find her, she is no longer her... Jie Jie."

The voice came from nowhere, maybe it came from behind him, or maybe it was the evil thoughts deep in his heart screaming.

Wen Ci, who seemed to be drunk, remained motionless, leaning on the fence, slightly bent, with his back bent.

Being blown by the cold wind, my fingers were extremely cold and I felt helpless.

He lowered his head, as if in a trance, in a daze.

He was indifferent to that voice, as if he was trapped in his own world, unable to come back to his senses for a long time.

The voice continued: "It's useless for you to be nice to her..."

The eerie and indistinguishable voice, like an extremely long and slender snake, clung to him and sounded like a whisper in his ears.

"She has been assimilated. Now...she only has eyes for that person. No matter how nice you are to her, she will still——"

The voice was grasped, like a drunken person, tightly grasping the seemingly ethereal thing.

With such force, veins popped out on his knuckles.

As if throwing away garbage, he threw it away——

"Go away!"

On the empty rooftop ground, the demonic energy was evident, but it quickly dissipated.

It turned into a black jade crystal-colored half-snake, with a snake's head and a dragon's body, half-ghost but not ghost-like, with fierce eyes.

As if it could not see the light, as soon as it appeared, it twisted its flexible and slender body and quickly hid in the gap on the side.

Where the light does not shine, in the darkness, the red eyes are clearly visible - hidden, speaking despicably, like a villain who only sows dissension.

"Angry? Are you angry so easily?" "That's not okay, you still have to fulfill your promise."

"Don't forget, the agreement between us."

"..." The man who smelled of alcohol breathed heavily, and his face was covered with raging black lines, which almost turned him into a half-human.

Wearing human skin, it is clear that he is no longer a human being.

He staggered a bit and held on to the fence with one hand. The wind blew loudly, blowing his wine-smelled hair. He lowered his head and his beautiful chin was hidden in the shadows.

"Pa-ta-" The empty wine bottle fell to the ground.

The action just now seemed to have used up all the strength in his body, and his body slowly slipped and leaned against the fence.

He lowered his head and looked depressed.

The despicable half-snake said: "Get her back now, while there is still a chance."

"..." He lowered his head and remained motionless, as if he couldn't hear what it said.

But he could clearly hear it - clearly.

Half Snake said: "I have a way to help you get the real her back."

"How? Want to try?"

Seductive words are like the poisonous snakes that tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. They understand human nature well and attack their weaknesses directly.

It knew that his heart would be moved - because that was the person he had endured through countless hardships, endured humiliation, and insisted on coming to see her.

He has been thinking about her, and he has only her.


He was breathing heavily, like a coiled beast.

Born with evil spirits, demonic nature manifests itself.

Demonic patterns covered his body, invaded his bones and soul, and turned him into the most vicious half-demon existence. (End of chapter)

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