"I can't remember." She couldn't remember even if she thought about it carefully.

It was still early, she couldn't think of it, and she didn't think about it any more. She closed her eyes and found a comfortable position in his arms.

"Well... forget it, it's just a dream."

It's a strange dream. If you can't remember it, you can't remember it.

"..." The man holding her didn't speak, but patted her back gently.

She fell asleep quickly, this time relaxing in his arms.

Before falling asleep, she said vaguely: "You have to wake me up at seven o'clock... I have to wake up at seven o'clock... I still have work today..."

"Hmm." He responded flatly.

She closed her eyes and hugged him with satisfaction: "That's great, I like you the most."

"..." Just know the sweet words.





Dark sky, deserted mountains and forests.

The grass was luxuriant and the trees were overgrown. Big trees sprouted out of the ground and squeezed together - covering the sky and the sun that was about to set in the sky.

The sun is half-set, and the temperature in the mountain forest has gradually dropped.

There was a chill, the light was dim, and the towering trees blocked the glow of the sky, causing the entire forest to fall into darkness early.

The wind blew, blowing the yellow and rotten fallen leaves on the ground, and also blew the dense weeds to their waists.

The densely packed forest trees, growing together, looked like hanging mummies in the dim light, with teeth and claws spread out, looking down hungrily at the people running on the ground.


Run quickly.The white dress and the frail and slender figure shuttled through the dense trees like a frightened beautiful butterfly.

She ran very fast, seemingly using up all her strength.

She was running too panicked, and one of her delicate and well-fitting embroidered shoes had already fallen away. She had no time to pick it up, and she didn't even have time to look back.

The delicate feet stepped on the ground full of rotten fallen leaves. The gravel and fallen branches were sharp. After only a few steps, blood started to bleed.

The bright red blood, accompanied by the pain that pricks the skin, is almost extremely excruciating.

But she didn't dare to stop even for a moment, the branch cut through her thin dress and her arm, she gritted her teeth and ran desperately.

I don't know how long I ran - until the white and delicate feet became bloody and bloody.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and the sun had almost set by half.

The visibility in the forest was getting lower and lower, and the footsteps chasing behind him were getting closer and closer.

Seeing that he was about to be caught and scratched with scars all over his body, the man panicked and rolled down a small slope nearby.

There was a hole at the bottom of the slope. She huddled up in the hole and grabbed a dead branch nearby to cover it.

Very scared, very scared, but she never cried.

Her body hurt, everywhere hurt, but she remained silent.

Hide it and stay still.

The cave was so secluded that she shouldn't have been discovered - except that she ignored her tracks.

The bloody footprints, like pieces of fresh meat on the ground, are extremely clear, attracting those who come to chase them.

"Quick - move quickly -"

When the torch came, the light came with it, reflecting the extremely dark surroundings.

The sun has disappeared into the sky, leaving only a little light mercifully, stopping on the edge of the mountain.

There was a rush of footsteps, following the bloodstains, and there were a dozen or so people holding torches, approaching the hill all the way.

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