Chapter 3137 Who am I...? (34)

mountain forest.

The night was dark, the moon's shadow was turbid, faint, and the sky was red.

The crow is flying, rising from the dense mountain forest in the distance, screaming.

The unpleasant and hoarse cry spread in all directions, causing a group of monkeys who came from nowhere to also scream and run around, like the witch tribe in the primitive tribe, celebrating the upcoming sacrifice.


There are even wolves howling, one after another, echoing in the air.

The jungle is dense, and the towering trees are like huge mushrooms, towering in the clouds, overlooking everything.

Under the big tree, there are countless slender branches, one after another, as compact as sand and gravel scattered on the ground.

The wind is silent and the blood moon is dim.

In the distance, along with the startling crows, the barking of vicious dogs came, breaking the silence in this ancient forest.

A vicious dog with an extremely sensitive sense of smell, like a bell before the arrival of hell's messengers, with strong and thick limbs and broad and solid claws.

Walking through this dense jungle with thick vegetation, the dog's paws stepped on the soft soil, its vicious teeth were exposed, and it was drooling and sniffing around.

With a sense of smell that is thousands of times more sensitive than humans, it can quickly find targets in jungles with complex smells.

Then, follow the direction of the target's escape, quickly pursue, and bring the fire that lasts all night to the target.

There were exactly five such vicious dogs. They were huge in size and had strong muscles, just like ferocious tigers—everywhere they went, the vegetation was frightened.

The fully armed pursuers were scattered in the jungle one by one, holding hot torches, forming an airtight net that surrounded them everywhere.

After two days of pursuit without rest, they were extremely exhausted and their spirits were on the verge of reaching the extreme.

Impatience, irritability, and irritability caused them to turn over everything in their path—even the sod.

The vicious dogs have been leading them deep into the jungle, where the environment is dangerous, mosquitoes are infested, and there are rumors that there are also extremely terrifying unknown objects hidden there.

Without permission, once you enter, you may face a narrow escape - or even no chance of survival.In such a dangerous and gloomy place, the pursuers really didn't want to go deep, and they went deeper into the hinterland of the jungle.

However, the orders they carried on their backs made them unable to stop, and they did not even dare to stop.

Capture people—and they must be captured alive.

Even if they have broken arms, legs, or all four limbs, they must save their lives and capture them alive.

The order was from above and could not be resisted. They had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue walking.

Going deeper little by little, the pace of going deeper becomes more and more difficult.

The weirdly crooked trees and the overgrown vines, under the dark and gloomy light and shadow - are like tangled, lurking and sleeping millipedes. The shape is twisted and intricate, and it is impossible to distinguish the head and tail.

To take two steps, you have to bend down several times and lift your feet three times.

During the whole process, you need to be careful and don’t get distracted for a moment.


There was a sound of panic, and in the distance, someone was bitten again.

I was bitten by an unknown type of snake, which was very poisonous.

After a while, a torch was held high over there, and a message came - another person died, and there was no hope.

If you don't pay attention, you will be bitten by a snake lurking nearby.

Either mosquitoes or ugly-looking unknown insects fall on the body, causing itching all over the body, which is unbearable for a moment.

It was an environment so bad that even a strong pursuer would find it difficult to survive.

It is unimaginable that a woman who is weaker than them, unable to lift with her shoulders, unable to resist with her hands, and unable to bind a chicken with her hands, can persist until now, maybe even longer.

(End of this chapter)

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