Life dies, there is no trace anymore, no one can detect it anymore.

Countless years have passed, and the former corpse has weathered, turned into dust, soil, and mud.


Long-term silence often breeds new life——

On the dark and barren land, I don’t know when a small bud sprouted.

Little green buds are born from death.

Quietly, it popped up, right where the old life died, on the land where the corpse slept and blood flowed.

The young leaves stretch quietly, like a newborn baby, babbling and learning to speak, looking curiously at this strange and dark world.

The evil things were raging, floating in all directions above its head.

It is a little timid and afraid, and does not dare to poke its head. It just tries hard to take root and absorb the power from the earth.

In this huge and dark place, it is the weakest existence. Even the weakest creature with the lowest status can step on it when it doesn't go its way, crush its fragile little body, and do whatever it wants. bully it.

The little green sprout, without shelter, huddled alone under the bones, always looks particularly pitiful.

But even so, it is exceptionally strong.

Even if he is stepped on, squashed, or bullied, he is not discouraged and quietly accumulates his own strength.

Just wait for a good opportunity and you can explode in one fell swoop.




The time will come soon.

A fire, a sudden fire, swept through this huge, dark and cold world.

Countless yin beings, unnamed, extremely powerful yin beings, perished in this fire.

Fire, scorching fire, is the Achilles' heel of all evil things.

Under the fire, almost no one could escape.

They were once extremely arrogant, but now they were running away in panic, running in all directions.Some of them were lucky enough to escape, but many more were burned to ashes by the fire and turned into fertile soil.

This fire is like a huge catastrophe for the Yin creatures living here.

Everyone is in danger and everyone flees.

The little green bud huddled under the white bones and accumulated strength, not knowing what happened.

When I woke up, the fire came and everyone could run away, but it - couldn't run away at all.

It is rooted in the soil. It is so small that it has no legs and cannot run.

The fire was so hot that when it reached it, it could only hide under the bones and huddle in the soil that gave birth to it, gritting its teeth and struggling to survive.

The fire was hot, burning on the body, and the pain was unbearable, as if the skin on the body was being peeled off.

But Xiaoya is a very strong Xiaoya from birth - a Xiaoya who is unwilling to die and will work hard to stay alive even if she gives up her life.

It hurt and was uncomfortable, but it used all its strength to try not to die.

This catastrophe lasted for three days and three nights, and it endured it for three days and three nights.

The water in the body has been burned out, and the branches and buds have withered, but it is still alive and clinging to its hard-won life.

I do not know how long it has been.

Finally, the fire subsided, and it - no longer hurt.

The strong fire seemed to be integrated into its small body during this tempering. It felt warm all over and full of endless power.

After suffering comes happiness, God seems to be soft-hearted towards it for a rare moment.

The fertile soil formed by Yin objects allowed it to absorb nutrients freely, and then it began to grow.

The buds turned into vines, and the vines gave birth to leaves.

Leaves fall and flowers bloom.

The fiery red began to bloom quietly.

Little by little, the flowers bloom and the fragrance is faint. (End of chapter)

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