Chapter 3157 Who am I...? (54)

The iron rod pushed the woman in the water cell against the wall mercilessly. The water splashed loudly and dirt splashed onto the ground outside the iron fence.

The cold long stick stabbed him fiercely, forcing him to raise his head and look up at the people on the ground.

He lowered his eyes, like a lifeless corpse, showing no reaction.

Flies flew around and landed on his face, which was covered with dried blood. The iron chains shook and dragged him, making him unable to fall down and keeping him standing all the time.

Being soaked in ice water for such a long time, being pulled hard by iron chains, and having wounds eaten by mosquitoes - it is already a miracle that I can persist now.

Chi looked at him and said calmly: "You are really tenacious."

Looking at it this way, he is quite good material.

Chi used the iron rod, as if deliberately, and stabbed the hastily bandaged wound on his chest with the tip.

Crushing, stabbing, as if to anger him, almost stabbing him to death.

Gradually, the dirty and black sewage became sticky red.

But the hands were bound by iron chains, and the people on both sides had their heads lowered, still unresponsive.

He seemed to be numb to such insulting torture.

No matter how much it hurts, it won’t hurt anywhere.

He didn't move, letting the iron rod stab him, letting his wounds fester and pus flow out, but he didn't hide.

In this way, Chi felt a little bored.

Just as he was about to put down the iron rod, soldiers carrying a message hurriedly came outside the dungeon.

"Your Majesty." The soldier saluted.


The soldier lowered his head and said, "Master Xiahou sent word that Princess Yusi has been found."

As soon as the voice came out, in the silent dungeon, there was no movement at all, and the hands bound by the iron chains trembled slightly.

Chi noticed this change and raised his eyebrows.

"It's just..." the soldier hesitated and said, "Your Royal Highness, she fled into the ghost mausoleum. The ghost mausoleum is dangerous. Your Excellency, you can't—"

"What did you say!?" Chi seemed to know the place Guiling. As soon as the word "Guiling" came out, he turned his head and his face instantly turned ugly, "How could she go to-"

Halfway through the words, he even started to gnash his teeth, "No matter what the cost, we must drag her back!"

Ghost Tomb is a place where no living creature can enter or exit.

If Si Si went there, doesn’t that mean——

Ruoyang was no longer of any importance, so he walked away in a hurry.

The dungeon soon returned to its usual silence.Not far away, there was still the faint sound of Yuli crying in a trance.

"Ohh Ohh ohh……"

Under the platform, the water gradually calmed down.

The Ruoyang with her head hanging down seemed to be dead, with only one breath left. In the darkness, under the dense flies flying - he slowly raised his head.

It was difficult and slow for a time, so slow that it seemed that he had exhausted all his strength.

The head was slightly raised, and under the scattered hair, the swollen and blue eyes could no longer be opened.

The edema all over his body was so severe that at this moment, he could not even speak.

It was clear that he only had one breath left, but he was still holding on, gritting his teeth.

Ghost Tomb...

Si Si...

His unclear brain made it difficult for him to think.

He couldn't think too much, he could only instinctively and try his best to feel——

Perceive people who are far away in the sky and don’t know where they are.

They are brother and sister, their blood is thicker than water, their souls share the same origin, and he can sense her.

As long as he calms down, keeps his breath, and concentrates...

(End of this chapter)

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