The tone was light, but the content was extremely shocking.

For a moment, Wen Ci even began to feel that the man in front of him knew everything they planned, down to the smallest detail.

He knew, so he was warning him.

It's not a joke, it's not a demonstration, it's an absolute warning.

Yun Si is his bottom line - he is conveying this signal.

Absolute and inviolable.

Wen Ci coughed violently. The invisible divine pressure was too strong, causing him to cough violently, and traces of evil energy escaped from his fingers.

The sweet smell of blood came from his throat. He raised his eyes, his breath was unstable and suppressed.

"I can not understand what you say."

"Are you here just to talk nonsense?"

The power was too strong to suppress, but he still said, "Is there anything else? If not, I'll just leave."

The man in front of him looked at him calmly.

Of course he knows that he doesn't like him, and he doesn't need to be liked by him.

Having achieved his goal, he turned around and left.

The invisible pressure gradually disappeared as he left.

He knows nothing and even does whatever he wants. His divine power can overwhelm people and cause damage to all their internal organs.

After closing the door, Wen Ci broke out into a more violent cough, "Cough cough - cough cough cough - cough cough cough cough cough -"

The organs were trembling, as if they were about to be vomited out of the cavity.

He bent over and supported the wall with one hand. The veins in his neck were bulging and congested, and warm blood slowly seeped out from his nasal passages.

Obviously that person didn't do anything, but it already made him lose his temper and hurt his spirit.

"Cough cough cough—cough cough cough—"

He coughed, suppressing the crazy surge in his body, turned around, and his blood-stained eyes appeared in an instant.

Cold and impermanent.



When we got back to the room, the sky was still cloudy.

It was a cloudy day with continuous rain, and it seemed that the sun would never come out. It had been hiding and tucking in, refusing to show up for a long time.

It was raining and the temperature was a little lower. Lin Tingmu turned up the temperature of the air conditioner and then went to bed gently.

He opened the quilt and carefully held the sleeping person in his arms.

Touching her cheeks that were rosy and warm from sleeping, his fingers were cold, and she felt it when he touched her. She closed her eyes and turned around subconsciously.

Leaning in his arms, he asked in a daze: "Where have you been? Is something wrong?"

Although she was tired, sleepy and tired, she still knew that he left for a while.

The familiar breath returned, and she pressed his chin intimately without even opening her eyes.

The man hugged her, gently stroked her hair, and whispered: "It's okay, I'm a little thirsty. I'm going to drink some water."

She fell asleep, and she didn't know how much time had passed. When he said this, she believed him, hummed a few times, and then said nothing more.

He came back and she fell asleep quickly again.

He didn't notice anything, he didn't open his eyes, and he didn't see the man's obviously insecure look.

He didn't speak any more, but slowly, he hugged her tightly, cautiously, as if he were holding a fragile doll, wanting to hold her tightly, but afraid of waking her up.

There is only one precious person in the world and there is no replacement.

Naturally, he had to be careful, guard her, and not let others hurt her in the slightest.

He didn't know where his vague feeling of uneasiness came from. Obviously nothing happened and she was still fine by his side.


The unspeakable feeling of uneasiness was becoming stronger for no reason, and he couldn't even explain why.

The alarm bells are ringing, and unknown danger seems to be coming.

He lowered his eyes, his eyes deep. (End of chapter)

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