Chapter 3182 Who am I...? (70)

Unlike the other gods who would pretend to be benevolent and sympathize with all sentient beings when doing justice for heaven - he never talks nonsense, and he doesn't have the patience to do so.

He kills with a smile. The deeper the smile, the more impatient he is and the more ruthless he will kill.

Like a smiling tiger, he always smiles and is gentle to others, but his emotions are never shown on the surface, making it difficult for people to figure out what he is thinking.

Such a person is even more terrifying and dangerous - because you will never know what he is thinking, and you will never know when he will take action.

Such people...people with the blood of countless dead souls on their hands...

Until now, Ruoyang couldn't believe that he could love someone - even a demon.

He paused at the door of the room for a long time, and finally turned around and left, speechless.




At this moment, in the room.

An oversized and fluffy blanket covered Yun Si's body forcefully and irresistibly, wrapping her from head to toe.

It was windy outside, but the temperature inside was just right at the moment. Yun Si was wrapped in a thick blanket, with only half of her face exposed, her beautiful and clear eyes flashing like a newborn elf. So cute, cute, and lovable.

Especially when he was sitting on the sofa, with his head raised, wrapped in a big blanket, looking at the man in front of him with a somewhat guilty but pretending calm look, his white face silently shrank under the blanket, Only her charming eyes were exposed.

It looks like a pitiful rabbit that has been forced to retreat into a corner. It looks very well-behaved and obedient, but in fact——

This is a bad woman who is particularly good at playing with people's hearts.

It looks harmless to humans and animals, but its heart is black, as is the filling of black sesame glutinous rice balls.

Cunning, bad and rogue.

Lin Tingmu looked at her pretending to be pitiful and almost laughed angrily. He leaned over and pinched her face with gritted teeth: "If you do this again next time -"

"No, no, absolutely not."

The little black sesame glutinous rice dumpling stuffed with pitiful black sesame glutinous rice balls, who was accustomed to sizing up the situation, immediately hooked his neck and hugged him.

With cute eyes and a sincere tone, he said, "I promise that I will wear more clothes when I go out in the future. I will never let myself get cold or get sick."

She was so good at handling him. She felt hot under the thick blanket, so she took advantage of the opportunity to throw away the blanket he forced on her while hugging him, and then hugged him tightly.

He paused for a moment and tightened his grip on her face, but still said in a deep voice: "Just now, where were you?"

Yun Si rested her head on his shoulder, rubbing against it.

Feeling the familiar and strong sense of security on his body, she narrowed her eyes slightly, and like a kitten that hadn't stopped breastfeeding, she purred a few times in love and hugged him tightly.

"I went to see my brother. I had a brief chat with him."

She didn't hide anything from him, she just said what she had to say, openly and honestly.

Lin Tingmu's eyes suddenly turned cold when he heard her say brother, and his heart tightened, but it didn't show on his face.

He hugged her tightly, breathing heavily in her hair, a little hurriedly, as if he was uneasy about something.

It’s hard to say, but it feels like—it would never lie to him.

The Adam's apple rolled slightly, and his hand was caressing her back very softly, and his voice was low: "In the future, meet him less alone and have less contact with him, okay?"

"Hmm...can you tell me why?"

(End of this chapter)

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