Chapter 3184 Who am I...? (72)

From the outside, it looks like an extremely cold cave, but once inside, it is extremely warm and feels like spring all year round.

There were no lights or instructions in the narrow passage. The stone walls were slippery and covered with rough gravel. As it skirted the boulder, the light suddenly brightened - several luminous pearls as big as the palm of your hand were inlaid on a pillar platform, glowing faintly. Illuminating everything here.

The hoarse roar of pain echoed in this dark cave, as if he was suffering from some huge pain, unbearable, and life would be worse than death.

The broken porcelain pieces, the teapot that was knocked to the ground, the residue of medicinal residues on the ground, and the skinny man who fell to the ground and writhing in pain - he is no longer the quiet and beautiful person he used to be, and he blushes every time he speaks. The agile appearance.

At this moment, she was like a skeleton without a soul. Her whole body was thin and yellow, as if the essence of her body had been sucked dry. Her face was like a skeleton, her hands were like withered claws, her back was like a fan, and her whole body was like a fan. ——Only a set of bones and a very loose skin are left.

She fell to the ground, next to the bed. It seemed that she was in too much pain and accidentally fell to the ground while struggling and turning.

The ground was covered with unpleasant-smelling traditional Chinese medicine residues, as well as countless sharp fragments.

As she continued to twitch, spasm, and struggle, the fragments scratched her skin that was as shriveled as an old lady's—she seemed unable to feel it.

In the face of huge pain, this little sting is nothing.


Ruanyang rushed up, picked her up from the fragments of medicine residue, and carried her back to the bed.

The air was full of the unpleasant smell of Chinese medicine, mixed with many strange and unspeakable smells. There were dried blood stains on the dark stone walls, large and large, as if they had been splashed from the bed. .

It was warm in the cave, but Yuli's body was very cold, unbelievably cold.

Ruoyang pulled the quilt next to her to cover her, but it didn't seem to be of any use.

She was still very cold, her whole body was cold, painful, itchy, and sore - it was like there were tens of thousands of man-eating ants crawling on her body, gnawing at pieces of flesh on her body, and at the same time, there were thousands of strange creatures. The worms were burrowing into her body, biting off her veins, drinking her blood, crushing her bones, and swallowing her skin and flesh together.

Her life was too painful. Ever since she gave birth to Chi's offspring, she had not lived a good day.

That monster, even before it was born, frantically plundered the mother's body for nutrients, eager to drain every inch of flesh and blood from her body.

After he was born, he did not forget to assimilate the mother's body - forcing the mother's body to become his slave and puppet so that he could continue to provide him with nutrients and never be able to leave.

If the mother's body tried to escape and tried to cut off this connection, it would be like now, worse than death, and would have to endure the extreme torture of thousands of ants eating its heart every day.

Ruanyang hugged her, hugged her skinny body, listened to her whining voice, which was no longer able to speak normal human words, suppressed her emotions, and slowly input her magic power.

Magic is like warm spring water - for a body that has dried up, it is the most pain-relieving and most soothing existence for symptoms.

The screaming voice slowly weakened.

She lost her strength and closed her two eyes that were too bulging due to her thinness.

This operation was repeated so many times that he lost count.

(End of this chapter)

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