Chapter 3191 Who am I...? (79)

"What's wrong?" The man, whose hands were still wet with water, stopped and turned to ask her.

Yun Si didn't speak, she just shook her head in silence, and held him tightly with both hands, using extra strength.

It seems that he is a little sad. When he is sad, he will actively cling to him, like a kitten.

"Are you hungry?" He put down the food in his hand and started to wash his hands.

After washing his hands, he turned around and touched her with his cold hands, "Why are you suddenly unhappy?"

"..." Yun Si looked at him, hugged him again, and leaned into his arms, "I'm not unhappy."

She was sullen.

I can't say I'm unhappy, just...a little disappointed for no reason.

She likes the life here, it is simple, plain and happy, no one will hinder them, and no one will gossip on the sidelines.

Here, she could be with him simply and happily, forgetting everything else.

Like a dreamy bubble, she can indulge in it and live happily every day without worries or sorrows.

But now, I suddenly learned that this kind of life is coming to an end, and I know that I will go back soon——

She was a little bit reluctant to let go, a little bit reluctant to let go.

Even the joy of being able to see Jiuge immediately was diluted a lot.

Happy, yet unhappy.

Lin Tingmu didn't speak or argue. If she said no, then she wouldn't. She didn't want to say it, and he didn't force it.

Just hug her quietly, pat her back, and wait patiently. Maybe, when she adjusts her mood, she will speak naturally.

"Ah Jiu."


Yun Si whispered: "Actually, I'm a little sad, but also a little happy." He patted her back gently and tenderly, as if coaxing a child. This made her mood gradually improve, and she took a deep breath. Breathe and relax your body slowly.

"What are you sad about? What are you happy about? Can you tell me?" he asked softly.

Yun Si did not answer, and could not answer. She could only tell him how she was feeling at the moment, but she could not explain the reason.

In his arms, the depression in her heart dissipated a little. After a while of silence, she raised her head and looked at him with bright eyes.

After looking at it for a while, he stood up on tiptoes and gave her a kiss.

"We'll have dinner later, do you want to go out and play?"

She hooked her arms around his neck and suddenly transformed from a wilted and clingy kitten into a lively and energetic fox - those beautiful, soft, and exceptionally pure and charming eyes looked at him so brightly, like It was like scratching his heart, making him feel itchy and tender.

He didn't know what she was thinking about the sudden change. If she didn't say anything, it would be difficult for him to guess the real reason.

It always felt like she was hiding something from him, but she just didn't want to say it.

Lin Tingmu touched her face, hummed, and kissed her again and again.

He didn’t ask anything, just said: “Where do you want to go?”

"Anywhere is good, go to the park, go to the river, or go to the supermarket." Yun Si smiled, "I don't choose."

The remaining time is limited, and she wants to do as many things as possible with him - everything is fine, and she wants to enjoy it without any regrets.

"After the festival, let's go to other cities to see the mountains, the sea, the prairie, and all the beautiful scenery, okay?"

Of course it was good, he hugged him, he had no objection.

"If you want to go, we will go."

No doubts, no thoughts.

As long as they are together, they can go anywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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