"Si Si, Si Si, wake up, wake up..."

Yun Si was woken up by a quick push. The voice in her ears was anxious, childish and child-like, crisp and slightly familiar.

The place where she lay was soft, soft and cold, like lying on the grass. Yun Si woke up from her hazy consciousness and woke up confused.

When she opened her eyes, she saw darkness in front of her eyes. Leaves covered her eyes. She pulled them away and stood up.

Everything that was extremely familiar around her suddenly came into view. She squinted her eyes and looked around, feeling a little dazed for a while.

Hell - she seemed to be back in hell.

The familiar Huangquan Road, the familiar sea of ​​flowers, and the familiar Broken Bridge and Styx River in the distance.

The sky is still the same blood-red color that has not changed for thousands of years. There is no sun, soaked in soul blood, and it is gloomy.

Back here, Yun Si was a little confused, looking back and forth, unable to react.

Next to her, a soft little green seedling wrapped around her hand, pulled it, and made a childish voice: "Sister Sisi, run quickly, the old man from the Medicine God is here again, saying he wants to take you back to make medicine. Here, run quickly."

The little guys are very well-informed. As soon as the medicine god comes and steps into the gate of hell, they will know.

The news came from far away and soon reached here.

As soon as the little guy's words came out, Yun Si ran in the opposite direction without even thinking about it, almost reflexively.

That guy, the God of Medicine, is obsessed with refining countless medicines. If he gets caught——

Wait, after running for two steps, Yun Si suddenly stopped and her brain reacted.

The God of Medicine is here to catch her? ? ?Refining medicine? ? ?

Something flashed through her mind, causing her consciousness to become a little confused before she could fully wake up.

"Si Si, what are you still thinking about? Run quickly, the old man has reached the Broken Bridge——"

The little ones were extremely anxious when they saw her not moving, and their voices became louder and louder.

Yun Si looked down at herself and saw her somewhat tattered red dress and her dirty feet stained with mud——

There is nothing on the ankle, and it always feels like there is something missing there.

The gorgeous red dress fell to the ground, stained black by the soil, dilapidated, and broken into pieces. Everything looked so familiar.

I felt a little dazed and felt something was wrong that I couldn't explain.

But before she had time to think about it, the little ones around her kept urging her. Before she could sort out the strange feeling in her heart, she subconsciously ran towards a hidden direction.

The God of Medicine is coming to arrest her, so he creates a big fuss, which can easily attract the attention of people outside and cause more trouble.

She ran to a hidden place that she often visited - there were piles of corpses there, forming hills. She hid behind them, paying attention to the movements outside, and looking at herself again.

Look at your hands, touch your face, and check your whole body carefully.

After confirming for a while, she felt the authenticity somewhat slowly——

This is the real world. Just now, she was dreaming.

It was a very long dream. The dream was so real that when she woke up, she couldn't tell whether it was a dream or reality.

A ghost passed by and saw her. He was startled and shouted: "It's you again!"

"Why are you here again!"

The ghost was very angry, because he came to occupy this place first, and it should be his territory.

This stinky girl who knows nothing about the world, she actually——

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