Chapter 3196 The Last World (4)

"I just said casually, I won't go. Don't worry, I definitely won't go."

It was impossible for her to want to go - she knew how much she weighed, and there was no way she would be stupid enough to die.

Just curious, just thinking about it.


"Not all gods are necessarily bad..." she muttered, "Maybe there are good gods too?"

"Oh my god Sisi, there are no good gods in this world." The little guys next to them said, "Even if there are good gods, they are gods who are good to the human race. There are no gods who are good to our demon race."

Although it is said that the demons have a blood feud with the gods, and the gods will kill them when they encounter the demons, but the demons are not much better.

The gods always look down on these little monsters and will not protect them as much as they protect the human race.

"Si Si, you forgot, that old medicine man just wanted to catch you to make medicine. Once he catches you, you will never come back."

"..." Yun Si thought for a while and didn't refute.

Although I always feel that something is wrong, I can't say what's wrong - the gods are all bad, so there seems to be nothing wrong with thinking like this.

It's just that... Yun Si thought of the dream she had just had for no reason.

She had had a dream for a long time, and she remembered it clearly.

The content of the dream...she didn't remember.

She could feel the unforgettable, clear and strong emotions, but once the dream was gone, everything was gone - she felt empty at the moment, always feeling like something was missing.

Yun Si raised her feet again and looked at her bare feet. Looking left and right, she always felt that something was missing there.

Something is missing...

She couldn't tell.

Could it be, shoes?
She suddenly sat up and said, "Shoes, I have to wear shoes."

She knew that now that she was in human form, she had to put on her shoes like a human being, so that she looked like a human being and felt right.

"I have to find a pair of shoes."

She went ahead and looked around - there were no shoes here. If she wanted to have a pair of shoes, she had to go to the ghost market to buy them.

She stood up and ran towards the ghost market.

The little guys were left where they were, looking at each other. "What's she doing looking for shoes?"

"Bring it to wear?"

"But, we demons don't need to wear shoes."

"It feels very uncomfortable to wear shoes. How can you put your feet in such a small thing?"

"But humans all wear shoes."

"But we are not human."

"That's true……"

They continued their discussion without end.




Yun Si came to the ghost market - this is the largest trading place in hell.

There is almost everything here, only what you can’t think of, and there is nothing you can’t buy.

There is everything, elixirs, elixirs, supplements, magic weapons... countless.

This place is in charge of ghost missions and maintains daily order. Ghost dealers are selling their goods here, and it is very lively every day.

Yun Si came to a stall, her eyes were bright and she was panting.

There were beautiful embroidered shoes from the girl's house on the floor. She stared at them and pointed at them.

"Brother, I want that."

The ghost dealer who was chatting next to him saw her and looked her up and down: "Hey, it's my beautiful sister."

He knew that she was a little flower demon who had just transformed and had not a high level of cultivation. She was very good-looking, but she was quite fierce and fierce in fighting, so she was not easy to mess with.

When he thought of something, he changed his mind and smiled: "Okay, take it, I'll give it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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