The wide hood covered his appearance, making it difficult to see his appearance. Looking from Yun Si's perspective, she could only see his exposed hands under the sleeves - beautiful and fair, like a work of art. Hands that make people want to bite them.

Yun Si stared at the small piece of white and swallowed unconsciously.

She is a monster, and a carnivorous monster—after transforming, she still has not eaten, and has never eaten real meat.

Normally she doesn't feel hungry, so she doesn't go out looking for something to eat, but now...

She suddenly felt like she was hungry.

She was a little hungry, and her heart was itchy, as if a hand was scratching her heart, which was inexplicably itchy.

She lay on the roof, looking back and forth at that person, extremely curious.

There was a lot of noise and discussion downstairs. She listened carefully and finally understood the ins and outs of the matter.

It turned out that when that person came here, he seemed to have accidentally broken the psychic mirrors of the two dealers.

The value of a psychic mirror can be either large or small. It mainly depends on how the seller sets the price.

Generally speaking, if you really want to buy it, you can bargain a few times and the ghost dealer will sell it. After all, it is not a rare thing.

But the two dealers said that their psychic mirror was not simple. It was a treasure used by the gods. It was made inch by inch with ten thousand years of cold iron. It was very precious - unique in the world.

Since it was so precious, they naturally asked for an extremely high price and demanded compensation of the same value.

They spoke fiercely and loudly, and complained in front of the ghost officers, as if they would not give up until they received compensation.

Yun Si looked at the two ghost dealers, and then at the man who was surrounded in the middle, silent and alone from beginning to end - that man...

It doesn't seem like it's from hell.

Is it someone from outside?

Yun Si knew at a glance that he was not a ghost, but she couldn't tell anything else - could it be... that he was a monster?
No matter what your identity is, if you are from outside hell and can be recognized as a stranger at a glance, you will easily be entangled by the evil dealers here.

Black-hearted ghost dealers have no bottom line and no psychological burden. Based on the principle of tricking as many people as possible, they are usually very bold.

In addition, they also have private dealings with the ghosts who are in charge of this place, so the ghosts often turn a blind eye to this and don't pay much attention to it.

Yun Si thought that this time, the two evil dealers probably thought that the poor guy was a stranger, so they deliberately blackmailed him and wanted to blackmail him severely.

As for ghost agents, there is no need to think that they will be fair. They usually receive benefits. At critical times, they will naturally side with the traffickers, collude with them, and extort innocent people.

Look at it this way...that person is going to be miserable.

Yun Si propped up her cheeks, her little face bulged, and sighed: "What should I do..."

Do you want to save him?
She never wanted to interfere in other people's affairs, because she was afraid that she would get into trouble and harm herself because of her nosy.

She doesn't want to get into trouble, this is the principle she always abides by.

It's just that that person...

Suddenly seeing something, Yun Si immediately lay down, retracted her head, and held her breath.

My heart suddenly accelerated, beating like a thief, and I was inexplicably nervous.

That person, for some reason, seemed to be looking up at this side - where she was.

She reacted quickly, crouching down, lowering her head, and shrinking back for fear of being discovered.

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