Chapter 3229 The Last World (37)

He praised her and said he liked her like this - did that mean she had a great chance?

With this thought in mind, she raised her tail and tentatively held his hand gently.

His hands were warm, unlike hers, which were often icy, cold, and deathly warm.

His hands were warm and generous, with a thin layer of calluses on the palms, which felt very comfortable and made people feel safe.

Yun Si gently and tentatively grabbed him, but he didn't refuse. As if he didn't notice her little thoughts, she slowly tightened her grip and moved naturally.

His beautiful, warm and slender hand held her, and his voice was always gentle and unhurried: "Where has Sisi been these days? After leaving the underworld, she went to many interesting places?"

Yun Si's attention was originally on his hand. Hearing this, she hummed softly, "I've been to many places..."

Whether it was the human world, the demon world, the devil's abyss... or even the gates of the divine world, she took a look at them all with curiosity.

She went to many places, single-handedly, met many strange monsters, and witnessed many jaw-dropping things.

Some of them are fun, many are not fun, and there are even many things to be wary of.

Yun Si recounted all the things that she remembered and that impressed her deeply. When she talked about the excitement, her eyebrows arched and she smiled slyly.

Jun Jiuge is a quiet person who doesn't talk much. He always listens quietly and looks at her with gentle eyes.

Extremely patient, she kept talking, and he didn't seem to feel bored. He listened to every word and spoke occasionally.

Listen quietly and look at her wherever you go.

I do not know how long it has been……

The flowers fall, the wind blows, and the warm sunshine falling in the depths of the peach forest gradually tilts, stretching the shadows of the trees.

The bright and warm sunshine is gradually dimming, and the huge warm fireball in the distance is also swallowed up by the endless peach forest.

As the long and short day passed, the Golden Crow fireballs descended little by little, taking away the light and leaving behind the cool and quiet night.

Night falls - unconsciously.

When Yun Si reacted, the sun in the distance had already set for most of her body, leaving only a little bit of afterglow, which barely reflected the sky like burning clouds.

The bright red is the only thing left in the approaching night, the only bright color, dazzling.

Yun Si looked at the sky inadvertently and found that it was getting dark, so she stopped talking. She looked around and realized that she had been here for a long time without knowing it.

Obviously, we agreed to just have a cup of tea.

"It's getting late, should I go..."

Yun Si stood up and was about to take back the hand he held.

The person who had been listening quietly also stood up and said in a gentle voice: "It's still early, don't be in a hurry. Are you hungry? Do you want to stay for a meal?"

Yun Si hesitated for a moment: "This... still can't be done... I've been here for a long time, I can't keep disturbing you..."


At this moment, her stomach suddenly made a very untimely sound, as if in protest.

"..." She covered her face and blushed slightly.

Not surprisingly, she heard a low laugh from the man in front of her. He held her tightly and gently touched her face. His fingertips were warm and scorching.

"Silly girl, I'm very happy that you're here, how could you be disturbing me?"

(End of this chapter)

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