Chapter 3234 The Last World (42)


Yun Si ran very fast, her light skirt lifted up, and the soft petals on the ground flew up like frightened elves, following behind her.

The fragrance of peach is light and refreshing. The peach forest at night is quiet and cold. Compared with the daytime, it is a different kind of stunning beauty.

But with the stunning beauty at her side, Yun Si had no intention of stopping and admiring it. She did something bad, and she didn't dare to look back at all for fear of being caught.

After running a long way, she finally stopped slowly, bent down, and gasped.

The sound of unsteady breathing was particularly clear in the extraordinarily quiet peach forest.

Everything around her was like a dream, quiet, dreamlike, empty and peaceful, as if she was the only one left in the world, lost in this illusion and unable to escape.

She held on to the mahogany tree on one side and looked back - as she ran far away, the cold and pure white figure was no longer visible.

He didn't catch up, which made her sigh in relief, and her whole body slowly relaxed.

Although it was a bit thrilling to steal a relative for the first time, it was equivalent to plucking hair from a tiger's head - seeking death, but...

As the saying goes, you can die under peonies and be a ghost, but you have to say that she still earned it.

The heartless man tried his best to slap the burning feeling on his face that he couldn't control, and smacked his mouth. He couldn't help but think about it for a moment.


On weekdays, when she saw other men and women kissing each other, she didn't feel anything at all. She even thought with disgust at one point - why would she want to kiss someone else's mouth when they are deeply in love?Very strange.

She suddenly got the answer to this question today: because she likes it, and it feels good.

Yun Si looked back again to confirm that he was indeed not following, so she could not restrain the curve of her mouth from rising.

He was secretly delighted, his eyes were shining brightly, and in the night, he looked like a little fox that had successfully stolen fish. The invisible tail behind him was wagging and wagging, unable to stop at all.

If it weren't for the fact that it was too quiet, she couldn't make too much noise. At this moment, she really wanted to jump up and scream loudly.

Excited and shy, she couldn't restrain herself. She chopped her feet slightly and fanned herself hard.

Her heart was beating wildly, and her whole body was so hot that she felt like she was going to die, that she was being burned to death.

Knowing that she had done something bad, she took a deep breath and tried to calm down her mood, but for some reason, every time she thought of him, her reason was always vulnerable to her emotions.

Unable to think rationally at all, she could feel the joy for him just by instinct - hot joy, the embodiment of invisible desire.

She liked him a little bit more than before, just a little bit.

Yun Si couldn't help but cover her face, which was as red as a cooked shrimp, with her slightly cold hands. Excited by the successful secret kiss, she thought about it for a moment and couldn't help but sigh with regret: "Oh, it was just too fast... "

It's a pity that the sudden secret kiss was so fast that she couldn't even feel it carefully...

When I think about it carefully, I only remember that it is soft, warm and soft, and it leaves as soon as I touch it, and then it is gone.

Nothing was left. Yun Si thought about it for a long time, and the more she thought about it, the more regretful she became - after all, such a good opportunity was only such a pitiful one.

Once you have used it, you may be able to...

After the huge emotional ups and downs, she sighed again, covered her face, and hummed like a kitten: "We should kiss for a longer time..."

She was shy and annoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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