He is very demanding and seems to be deliberately making things difficult for him.

Jun Jiuge looked at her and smiled, as if he didn't seem to think that this requirement was difficult to achieve.

"Okay," he replied, "I will perform well and not disappoint Si Si."

Naturally, he wants her to be happy. He hopes more than anyone else that she can live happily without worries.

"There's no rush," he smiled, touched her head, and said good-naturedly: "When will Sisi think it through, just give me an answer."

"It doesn't matter if the answer is rejection. Don't worry about me. As long as it's an answer that comes from your heart, there's no need to force it."

"..." Yun Si raised her eyebrows, "Don't force it?"

Why does this sound so false?A trace of doubt flashed through her mind.

I always feel that...he is not such an easy person to talk to.

Why do you have such an idea?Yun Si didn't know, she only knew that her intuition was always very accurate, whether it was about things or people.

She couldn't understand, so she didn't think about it anymore. She rolled her eyes and smiled brightly: "Okay, then we have agreed that we are not allowed to be angry if we are rejected, and we are not allowed to get angry out of shame."

Jun Jiuge looked at her smiling face, smiled too, and nodded: "Okay, I won't be angry with you."

It’s a promise, and promises—always work.

When Yun Si heard his promise, she rolled her eyes and flashed a hint of cunning.




In the next few days, whether intentionally or unintentionally, Jun Jiuge was forced to experience what it felt like to shoot oneself in the foot.

When he got up in the morning, he expertly combed Yun Si's hair and tied her bun into a bun. It should have been a very warm and natural gesture, but the beautiful girl who had just gotten up couldn't sit still, and her body was lazily leaning on his arms.

Her head was resting on his shoulder, her breath was sweet, and her soft and hot lips were caressing him.

The kitten looked like it was in heat. It was fragrant, fragrant and boneless. It rubbed against him and hummed from time to time. "..." His ascetic and cold face was calm, his eyes lowered, his Adam's apple wrapped in conservative clothes rolled slightly, and he stopped and combed her hair.

Without making a sound or pushing her away, he slowly combed it, put down the comb, and lowered his head to touch her face.

Unexpectedly, the kitten in heat, who was coquettishly coquettishly coquettish in his arms one second, stood up and pushed him away the next second.

After taking advantage, she ran away, and he was not allowed to touch her.

"No." She smiled brightly, her eyes sparkling, like a wild fox full of bad intentions, very bad.

"Men and women are not allowed to kiss each other," she said.

"..." Jun Jiuge's deep purple eyes stared at her quietly.


At night, Yun Si was sleepy.

She wanted to sleep, so she slipped into Jun Jiuge's arms in a familiar way, hugged him tightly, and still nuzzled him everywhere.

While rubbing against him, she took off his clothes, kissed him like a gangster, and messed up his neat clothes.

After making a mess, she heard his deep breathing and was about to pick him up, but instead she put on a straight face and pushed him away again.

Like a scumbag, she was only allowed to play with him, but not allowed to come near. She was arrogant and ordered: "Keep your distance, don't take advantage of me, don't hug me."

As soon as "Three Nos" came out, the man who was pushed away, with a messy cardigan and heavy breathing, stared at her without saying a word.

Don't speak, just stay where you are.

He really stopped and didn't come forward. She didn't allow it, so he didn't touch her.

Yun Si smiled mischievously as if she had discovered a new world, covered herself with a quilt, and lay down.

An Anxin felt at ease, not afraid of him at all.

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