The sound of rapid footsteps outside, "ta-ta-ta-ta-"

Looking carefully, it seems that there is more than one person among them.

The sharp and piercing sound of the bells sounded, "Dingling bells - Dingling bells -" as if they were coming to claim their lives, tightly affecting people's nerves, making people dare not relax at all.

Yun Si concentrated on listening to the movement outside, and heard a sudden "click--" as someone landed on the eaves above her head.

Running quickly, stepping on the eaves tiles, running from one end to the other.

Listen carefully to the footsteps - they are a bit chaotic, not like they are chasing someone, but more like they are running for their lives, fleeing for their lives in a panic.

Yun Si held Jun Jiuge in her arms, holding her breath and concentrating, not making any movement. She could only hear the somewhat noisy footsteps going away, and the pursuing footsteps also quickly faded away.

After waiting quietly for a while, and making sure that the movement outside was not directed at her, and that they were just passing by, Yun Si slowly breathed a sigh of relief, lowered her head, and looked at Jiu Ge, who was still deep in the nightmare.

He seemed to have had a very bad dream, his brows were knitted into small mounds, and even the loud footsteps outside could not wake him up.

The whole body was trembling, shaking, as if in fear, collapsed, all emotions completely collapsed, and the body reacted violently and violently - the invisible power in the air was faintly fluctuating, and the porcelain white water glass on the tea table began to vibrate slightly. Trembling, trying to slide to the edge.

The water glass was shaking, the tea table was shaking, and even the ground seemed to be shaking.

If he cannot control himself, everything around him will suffer.

Seeing him like this, Yun Si felt a little at a loss. She leaned close to him and nuzzled him: "Jiu Ge? What's wrong with you? Wake up..."

She touched his face. His face was cold, very cold, and not as warm as usual.

"Jiuge, wake up... don't be like this, I'm scared..." She pressed against him and arched, trying to wake him up.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly grabbed her waist and pushed her down——

Yun Si was caught off guard and forced to lie on top of him, her chin hitting his chest hard.

"..." Her whole little face wrinkled together, her jaw hurt, and her waist hurt, it was just...

"Crack-" The cup hit the ground, making a loud noise in the silent night.

The fragments fell all over the ground, and a sound of shattering shattered the heart-wrenching dream in the dark night, causing people to wake up from their dreams.

"Pa-----------" The sudden out-of-control force caused the objects placed in the room to fall down one after another, leaving a mess on the ground.

Yun Si rubbed her chin, raised her head, and found that he was awake. Her eyes lit up instantly. She ignored her own discomfort and touched him: "You're awake~"

Looking at him carefully, I suddenly found that his eyes were red, shallow purple eyes, showing a delicate and moist red, deep, as if he had cried.

When he opened his eyes and saw her, he didn't say anything, just looked at her, and held her very tightly - it felt like he was crushing her waist completely.

Yun Si was a little hurt, but she didn't care about her own pain. She touched him and whispered, "What's wrong with you? Are you having nightmares? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Where does it hurt? Are you uncomfortable?"

Her hands were cold, but his body was even colder. This contrast made her hands warmer, warmer, and more real.

This is not a dream, it is the reality that people cherish especially after the dream is broken. (End of chapter)

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