"..." The god who looked up at her raised the corners of his lips slightly.

The smile melted away invisibly and could not be stopped. The original turbulent and passionate emotions were covered up by a bit of helplessness. He sighed: "You..."



It really made him angry and funny that she was so slow.

Grabbing her hand, he stood up and said warmly: "I won't regret it. I promised to give it to you, so I won't regret it."

"Then why did you suddenly stop talking just now?" Yun Si asked.

"Because..." He coughed lightly and replied calmly, "Because my feet are numb and I need to take it easy for a while."

After all, he still wanted to save face. He refused to admit that his heart was crazy because of a look in her eyes, which always felt embarrassing.

But Yun Si seemed to see something and raised her eyebrows without saying anything.

Pretending not to notice, he raised his smile and smiled brightly: "That's it...so are you feeling better now? Are you still numb?"

"Well, much better."

He took her hand, squeezed it, and started to change the subject at the right time: "Are we leaving? Shall we go back now?"

After being with her, he became more and more like a human being, with human warmth, human emotions, and a little temper.

I learned it all from her, to learn her bad side. She would be blatantly arrogant and playful, while he would be secretly pretending to be serious.

On the surface, he looks serious and calm, but in fact, he is crazy and excited, and he likes her very much.

Yun Si looked at him and curled her lips.

"Okay, go back." She smiled like a bad fox thinking up bad ideas.




Returning to Taolin again, Yun Si was still obsessed with the stunning beauty here.

For some reason, she liked this place from the bottom of her heart - it was as if she had found another long-lost home of hers. Just stepping here made her feel warm and relaxed.

After wandering outside for a long time, she came back with a lot of travel and dust. She was so happy that she rested for a while, but she felt overwhelmingly tired.

I'm tired, but not physically tired. I can't describe it. I just want to lie down and have a good sleep in this warm room filled with the fragrance of peach.

I'll probably be able to sleep soundly and soundly, right? she thinks.

Walking into the wooden house, she looked around, looking at the exceptionally elegant decoration in the house, and felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity in her heart.

It was obviously her first time stepping here, but strangely, she felt as if she had lived here before - otherwise, how could she feel so warm to everything here?
There is a peach blossom placed by the window, a beautiful wind chime hanging in front of the door, an ancient and simple wooden cabinet, and a bed that can be rolled several times...

Yun Si looked at it, and the more she looked at it, the more familiar it became, and the more she looked at it, the more intimate she felt - hazy memory images flashed through her mind, she closed her eyes and tried to recall it, but she couldn't figure it out.

Can't remember, why...she can't remember?

She stared at the room in front of her, thinking over and over again, as if she wanted to verify something on purpose. She hesitated, walked to the cabinet inside, and gently opened the first drawer.

What is placed there should be her underwear...

Such thoughts flashed through my mind, and I opened the drawer and was immediately verified - my daughter's intimate clothes were neatly placed inside.

It has been cleaned, and you can still smell the faint scent of soap locust. If you smell it carefully, it seems that there are still a few wisps of floral fragrance remaining, a familiar fragrance.

Yun Si's bright eyes trembled slightly and she was stunned for a moment.

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