The red hijab in her hand was not held firmly, and fell to the ground for a moment. Yun Si was forced to stand on tiptoes, her beautiful eyes widened slightly, and she stared blankly at him who was so close.

The hands that were placed out of nowhere fell on his shoulders subconsciously, grasping them at a loss.

The force coming from her waist became tighter and tighter, until she was pressed into his arms with almost all her strength.

It was difficult to restrain himself, which made him lose some of the tenderness of the past and become more and more fierce and turbulent.

The toes that were forced to stand on tiptoe were hidden among the charming and gorgeous layers of clothing. Looking from the outside, one could only vaguely see the trembling white, like a soft core, in that arrogant In the midst of strength, he is pitiful and helpless, but also a little fragile, extremely weak.

Breathing, slightly heavy, rapid breathing - in the quiet room, the sound of anyone talking suddenly disappeared.

Only the slight, ambiguous sound came from the lips and teeth, and the delicate fingers that landed on the man's shoulders tightened silently, gripping his clothes, and the fingertips were faintly warm.

She was so ashamed that her toes were trembling, and she couldn't use any strength, so she had to lean on him and hold on to him tightly.

She closed her eyes, and after an unknown amount of time, she was finally out of breath. She pushed him away, took a big breath, and wanted to speak.

Unexpectedly, I could only breathe for a second, and his strength was overwhelming.

Hidden under the skin of the gentle gentleman is a beast that has been suppressed to the extreme and has gone crazy and transformed, roaring wildly and losing all reason.

Longing, he longed for her.

It was like a white fish in the desert that was about to dry up. The sudden drop of nectar caused his instinctive thirst to explode completely.


Yun Si couldn't push him away, she couldn't push him away at all. At this moment, he was like a heavy and huge mountain.

Unable to push her, she was forced backwards, until she reached the edge of the bed. Her calves were pressed against the bed, making her unable to retreat.

Out of breath, she turned her face away from him, and a kiss fell on her plain, fragrant and soft cheek.

He kissed her so densely, as if he wanted to eat her face. He lost all restraint and kissed her hard.

"Nine songs—husband..."

She softened her voice and tried to be coquettish, "Don't bully me, okay..."

Acting like a baby is trying to arouse his sense, tell him to calm down and let her go.

He didn't want to, and he didn't know which words stimulated him, or maybe it was his coquettish voice that he didn't know he was making, like a seductive little fox, trying to arouse his pity.

I didn’t want to, but the result was just the opposite.

He kept squeezing her waist through her clothes, tightening them hard.

He endured it until his eyes were faintly red, pressing the root of his teeth, his handsome and cold face was once torn, and he stared at her gloomily.

The movement stopped, but...

Yun Si, whose cheeks turned red after being kissed, saw him stop and smiled, her smile pure and bright, her eyebrows bright.

"Have you been fascinated by it? I knew it."

She was so proud that she looked up at her white face and didn't even notice that the hair tie behind her had fallen off.

The bright red hairband hangs down, and her long hair is like a waterfall, scattered to her waist. She is wearing a rich red wedding dress, her body is soft, and she is holding his face in his arms.

He rubbed it vigorously, as if he hadn't noticed his scary eyes that were almost completely out of control, smiling, still naughty, and not afraid of him at all.

"Does it look good when I put it on?"

Seeing how much he liked me, I liked him so much that I suddenly kissed him and couldn't push him away. Come to think of it...(End of Chapter)

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