"..." Yun Si blinked, thoughtfully, "Well... from a seniority point of view, let me think about it, you can call me..."

Seeing that she was really thinking, Jun Jiuge laughed angrily, started to tickle her, and interrupted her: "Don't think about it, bad girl, do you really want to be my elder?"

"It doesn't have to be the elders, we both have our own opinions~"

She is very sensitive and will hide immediately when being tickled.

Unable to avoid it, she giggled after being tickled. She acted coquettishly and begged for mercy: "Don't scratch, don't scratch, it's wrong, wrong~"

"What's wrong?"

"Ouch, everything is wrong, it's itchy~"

She was scratched until she burst into tears, and the sound of the two fighting could be heard in the room.

Her childishness infected him, and he no longer had a quiet temper. The two of them had been arguing for a long time, with one taking the initiative and the other hiding, and it was a lot of fun.

Outside the house, the peach forest is as warm as ever, and the peach blossoms are pink and falling quietly in the wind.

The wind chimes jingle, the sound is crisp.

The peaceful and peaceful wind blows gently, and seems to be smiling too.

Smiling and watching quietly.




It was time to meet her parents. After the fun, Yun Si started to become nervous again.

I always think about this matter in my mind, and questions pop up from time to time.

"Tell me, sister, what does she like? What gift should I prepare for her so that she will be happy?"

"..." Jun Jiuge's eyebrows skipped a beat when he heard her call her that way, feeling helpless.

This bad guy is really...

Before she could answer, she heard her talking to herself again: "My mother-in-law, my sister is okay...she's the one by her side..."

"I'm a little scared of him," she whispered. My mother-in-law is a nice person, speaks softly, and is very approachable. She seems to be easy to get along with, and she is not afraid.

It's the one next to her...

Although their facial features are similar to Jiuge's, people can tell at a glance that they are father and son, but father and son are father and son, but their temperaments are very different.

He seems to be cold-tempered and unable to smile.

His eyebrows are sharp and cold, cold and indifferent, and his eyes are always indifferent and careless when looking at people - like a cold-blooded person in the true sense, with cold bones and cold heart.

Few words, few words.

Just one glance is frightening, and one can't help but be afraid.

But Jiu Ge is different - compared to him, Jiu Ge's eyebrows are less sharp and a little more soft. It is obviously left to him by his mother, which makes his cold-blooded nature a little more soft.

One strong and one soft, giving birth to a gentle, kind and calm and beautiful husband...

Yun Si couldn't help but marvel at the magic of this natural creation.

She touched the gentle man in front of her and couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Is your father... often cruel to you? Do you have a good relationship with him...?"

"..." Jun Jiuge smiled slightly and looked at her with warm, light eyes, "No, Dad just talks less and is not aggressive."

Although occasionally I find him annoying and want to drive him away, after all, I still have feelings for him.

Jun Jiuge said: "You don't have to be afraid of him. He won't say anything about you. He just doesn't seem easy to get close to, but in fact... he is a very easy-going person."

"..." This was true, why didn't she believe it so much?

Yun Si was suspicious: "Really or not? I feel like he doesn't like me very much..."

Jun Jiuge smiled and shook his head: "No, he won't dislike you."

"how do you know?"

"I know because..." He looked at her gently, touched his face, and spoke slowly.

"Because I'm sure that the person he likes likes you, so he will also like you."

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