It was obviously someone in the family who was very quiet and polite at the moment. He held her hand and said, "I haven't been able to meet you formally before, and I haven't been able to greet you formally. Why don't you invite me, mother?" Sorry."

"This sudden visit, I hope I won't disturb you."

She bowed and was extra polite.

His eyebrows are soft, he speaks softly, and his fox tail is tucked away, like a docile little sheep.

Obediently, the whole person is fragrant and soft, just...

The smile on Fu Sheng's face deepened and she said: "No, if you are willing to come, it's too late for me to be happy, so how can I say it's disturbing?"

"Don't be nervous." She held her hand, patted her shoulder gently, and said, "Just treat it like your own home. We are a family, and we will be in the future. Just relax, okay?"

"..." Is she really so nervous?

Yun Si was silently ashamed, trying to relax and said obediently, "Okay."

Fu Sheng immediately smiled and said, "Come on, come in, come in and sit down."

She led her into the small courtyard. The small courtyard was very large and could be described as extremely spacious.

There are trees planted on one side of the yard, beautiful and green fruit trees. When the season is here, the trees are slowly bearing fruit. The bright and colorful fruits are hanging down heavily, like little dolls, chubby and teetering.

There is a swing under the fruit tree. The swing is swaying in the wind, and there is a faint fruity fragrance. The abundant spiritual power is ready to come out and linger around.

Yun Si saw a vegetable garden on the other side of the yard. The vegetable garden was neatly planted with emerald green vegetables. On the short fence, there were delicate vines growing on it, growing freely and leisurely.

The garden is full of vitality and spring scenery.

Yun Si looked at it carefully and couldn't help but marvel at the decoration here - the owner must have put a lot of thought into it.

Only by carefully arranging, taking care of, and tidying up extremely beautifully can such a perfect effect be achieved.

Fu Sheng looked at her curiously and said with a smile: "These are all taken care of by Xiaojiu's father. He is a restless person. He loves to worry and can't sit still."

At this point, the man who made Yun Si a little intimidated appeared. He was wearing a black brocade robe. He was extremely tall, mature and cold. There was no excessive emotion in his deep purple eyes that were the same color as Jiu Ge. The mind is cold.

When he came to Yun Si, he first glanced at his wife, and then looked at her with cold and calm eyes.

Just a glance without saying anything made Yun Si feel scared.

She, a demon, would always be inevitably afraid of the absolutely powerful divine vein suppression.

Being so obedient, she listened to Fu Sheng beside her and introduced with a smile: "Si Si, this is Xiao Jiu's father. Just follow Xiao Jiu and call him father. Don't be afraid. He is very good and doesn't eat people." .”

"..." Yun Si obediently followed, "...Father."

Knowing that she was nervous, Jun Jiuge followed her on the other side and patted her back gently to comfort her.

"Father." Jun Jiuge bowed his head slightly towards the man.

The man who was always a man of few words hummed and said to Yun Si without looking at him, "Welcome, come in and sit down. Will you stay for dinner later?"

Yun Si immediately nodded like a fool, and said very well, "Okay, thank you, father."

It seemed that it was just as Jiuge said - he was not that difficult to get along with around his mother and sister.

Although he talks little, it is obvious that he values ​​her very much. (End of chapter)

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