Quietly, silently and reservedly.

Fu Sheng held back her laughter and said, "Did you hear that? It's not that yet. You have to treat others well, otherwise..."

If the wife runs away, she will be gone.

Jun Jiuge nodded and said warmly, "Yes, my mother is right."

He remembered these words and kept them all in his heart.

"I will treat my wife well, please... don't worry."

He smiled and sounded gentle about the last two words, but there seemed to be some unknown meaning hidden between the lines.

Don't worry, he is letting her rest assured - he will be very, very good to her, so good that...

"..." Yun Si's cheeks felt a little hot, and she didn't know what she was thinking of. Her eyes wandered and moved away - pretending not to hear, pretending that the woman he was talking about was not her.

Sit upright and behave well.

In a low voice, as small as a mosquito: "She's not a lady either..."

she retorted.




After staying in the small courtyard for a day, when night fell, Yun Si didn't want to leave at all.

She leaned on the fragrant and soft Poria Sheng on her body, put his head on her shoulders, and hugged her, as sticky as brown candy.

Like a child, she couldn't help but act coquettishly: "I wish you were my mother, sister. In this way, I can follow you every day."

She has no parents, she was born alone, very lonely, and no one loved her.

Therefore, she was particularly envious of Jiu Ge for having such good parents.

If she could grow up with such parental love, she didn't know how happy she would be.

Yun Si, who lacked both fatherly and motherly love, relied on Fu Sheng and asked, "Can I come to you more often in the future? If I don't do anything, I can just come and talk to you, okay?" Fu Sheng touched her gently and said, "Okay. Yeah, you can come if you want, treat this place as your home, we are all your relatives."


Yun Si suddenly realized that she seemed to have several homes.

There is a home of her own, a home for her and Jiuge, and another... her mother's sister's home.

With more families, she found that... she seemed to finally have a strong sense of belonging to this world.

Knowing that I have nowhere to go and there is still somewhere to go, knowing that no matter how I wander outside, there will always be a way out, this feeling is really...

Inexplicably good.

She raised the corners of her mouth slightly, closed her eyes, and rubbed Fu Sheng.

"If you're tired, would you like to stay one night?" Fu Sheng asked with a smile.

"There are still vacant rooms at home. If you two share a room, it's no problem for you to stay."

"..." Yun Si was quiet for a few seconds, embarrassed to say that she actually already lived with Jiu Ge.

Although they just slept and did nothing else, they knew... there was no guarantee that they wouldn't think wrongly.

Embarrassed to reveal it, she shook her head and said obediently: "Forget it, I won't bother you anymore."

After coming here for a day, they were always busy entertaining people. She saw it and didn't want to trouble them too much.

She tilted her head and leaned on Fu Sheng's shoulder, and said, "Next time, when I'm free next time, I'll come over and stay for a few days. Then... Mother, don't drive me away."

Now that we are a family, she unconsciously relaxed a little when she spoke, and her tone was friendly.

"When the time comes...I'll secretly bring wine again so that Jiuge and father won't find out."

She said this very quietly, biting her ears quietly with Fu Sheng.

"..." Fu Sheng was impressed and blinked slyly.

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