Chapter 508 I'm Delicate (52)

In addition, I don’t know what agreement the Turks reached with the surrounding tribes,
All the small countries gathered together, and harassed several neighboring border towns again and again, not paying attention to the Emperor of Kyoto at all.

The emperor issued three expedited edicts, repeatedly ordering the generals in front to guard the border city and immediately repel the Turks.

Above the fragrant and warm pavilion, beside the exquisite wooden window,

With plain white hands twisting the slender brush, he slowly writes down on the yellowed rice paper, outlining the brush and ink,

Cigarettes are burning in the Warm Pavilion, and a fragrant orchid hangs out by the window, with long and slender stamens,
The pen and ink gradually dried, and the white catkin folded the rice paper and stuffed it into the envelope.

Outside the window, a horse is on the ground with a letter box hanging, grunting and grazing,
The messenger waited downstairs, stroking the horse's mane now and then.

"Chun Xia, send it down."

The delicate female voice is as melodious and pleasant as a yellow warbler.

Chun Xia took the letter and hurried down.

Downstairs, the courier took the letter, put it in the letter box, collected the money, and then drove away.

By the window, a woman was wearing a bright blue tulle skirt, standing there quietly with quiet eyes.

"Miss, the master is showing you my uncle again." Chun Xia walked in and said.

"I said, don't marry."


The situation ahead quickly turned around.

When the Turkic army approached the city, the frontier city changed its previous conservative trend and led an army of [-] to counterattack.

Among them, there is a small team attacking from the side and directly attacking the Turkic base camp.

To capture the thief, first capture the king, but if the king is in the front line, then directly capture the king's granary.

The Turkic people were caught off guard. They did not expect that the traditionally conservative Central Plains people would fight back.

They hurriedly sent the rear defense team back to the base camp,

But at the same time, another team took advantage of the mountain and descended to launch a fire attack.

Summer is the hottest season. The vegetation on the grassland is baked by the sun to half-dry, which is a good time for fire attack.
In addition, the Turkic people have always lived on the grasslands and fought with horses, and they are not good at mountaineering.

So all of a sudden, the original neat formation of the Turks dispersed.

Arrows with flames descending densely from the sky,

A raging fire ignited on the grassland in an instant, and spread to the surroundings with the momentum of a prairie fire.

"Come on—" The Turkic people who were in a hurry began to storm the closed city gate.

The [-] soldiers were almost blinded by the [-] strong cavalry.

The flames are burning fiercely, and wherever they go, they are swallowed up,
Weeds, blood donations, and corpses were all reduced to ashes in the fire.

The pungent smell spread across the battlefield, and the horses seemed to be frightened, and they became restless.

Vigorously throwing off the person on his back, he ran to an unknown place,

The Turks gradually lost the wind.

The war that broke out lasted a whole day and night,
The fire burned the entire prairie, and there was nothing left.
The Turks, who knew they were at a disadvantage, became even more angry and stormed the city wall,

However, behind him, the cry of a woman and the cry of a child came,
The captured women and children were all brought back,

In front of the Turkic army, swords met.

When the news of the complete victory ahead reached Kyoto, people's hearts were completely cheered up.
The storyteller in the capital spared no effort to publicize the glorious achievements of the border town, and took the opportunity to praise it.

Among them, General Sima Mu Shouqing made the best move—fire attack.

(End of this chapter)

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