Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 802 The Tyrant's Little Princess

Chapter 802 The Tyrant’s Little Princess (54)

The indifferent emperor in a bright yellow dragon robe slightly raised his hand, and the jade wrench on his thumb shone emerald in the sunlight.

He walked with his hands behind his back, his steps were still steady, his brows and eyes remained indifferent, and his breath was not angry but majestic.

The prince was stunned for a moment, and then responded quickly.

After following the emperor for a long time, he can roughly figure it out.

Knowing that the princess living in the Changle Palace has a very different position in the emperor's heart, it is as light as it is.

Ever since the emperor went to see Princess Chu Yang last time, he has been in a bad mood.

See you again now...

I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse.

Wang Gonggong felt that the stone in his heart fell to the ground just a little bit, and he was about to hang it up again.

It's really uncomfortable to be up and down.

No matter how the emperor was going, he could only pray secretly now that the princess would not make the emperor unhappy.

If the emperor was unhappy, Chu Yang would be fine, but everyone underneath would suffer.


The prince sighed in his heart.




The Changle Palace will arrive soon, and the maids who received the news in advance have already lined up and knelt outside to welcome the emperor.

Eunuch Wang took a quick glance and found that Princess Chu Yang hadn't appeared, and his heart tightened immediately.

However, the emperor didn't seem to have any displeasure, he just paused for a moment and asked softly, "The princess hasn't gotten up yet?"

The leader, Yingchun, lowered his head and replied,

"Returning to Your Majesty, the princess did not sleep well last night, so she got up for a while, and fell back to sleep after eating. The princess failed to welcome you, please forgive me."

Yingchun actually said it boldly.

As soon as the princess fell asleep, a eunuch came to report that His Majesty was coming, and Yingchun would even want to wake the princess up.

It's just that Lian'er stopped her, saying that it was to let the princess sleep peacefully, and the emperor would not be angry.

Yingchun didn't agree, but Shuang'er also stopped her.

Seeing that the emperor was about to arrive, all the maids were calm and stomping their feet in Yingchun, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet and lead the crowd to meet him.

She had already recited the words thousands of times silently in her heart. When facing such a young emperor, he only said a word lightly, which made her feel heavy oppression and tension.

She lowered her head and listened to what seemed to be silence in the air for a while.

Then, she gritted her teeth and was about to say that she was going to wake up the princess.

As a result, Daoming's yellow and indifferent figure walked past her and walked into Changle Palace.

Yingchun wanted to keep up.

As a result, the prince grabbed her, and the kneeling maids gave her winks, telling her not to follow.

Yingchun: ...?
How do you feel like they all know something?

"Eunuch, the princess is still sleeping, is Your Majesty going in to wake her up personally?"

As Yingchun said, it suddenly occurred to her that Her Highness the Princess was so angry that she would be impatient if someone suddenly woke her up.

Thinking of this, she hurriedly grabbed Wang Gonggong's whisk, "Grandpa... Eunuch—"

"Hush—" Eunuch Wang signaled her to keep quiet.

"Your Majesty has something to discuss with the princess, we are servants, just stay outside."

"... But Eunuch, Your Highness the Princess has fallen asleep, and His Majesty went in like this. Isn't it out of courtesy?"

Although they are brothers and sisters, there is still a difference between men and women, and it is still impolite after all.

Yingchun wanted to say something else, but Wang Gonggong glanced at her and snorted coldly, "Li?"

"Your Majesty is the greatest gift in the world."

(End of this chapter)

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