Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 806 The Tyrant's Little Princess

Chapter 806 The Tyrant’s Little Princess (58)

In the imperial capital, word spread that Princess Chu Yang, who had just returned from the funeral, died suddenly of a heart attack.

This news, as if someone was fueling the flames behind the scenes, spread like crazy, and soon spread throughout the streets and alleys.

Before returning from mourning, almost no one in the imperial capital knew the princess, and naturally they had no memory of her.

But since the emperor personally went to the Daxiangguo Temple to pay homage to the Empress Dowager, and brought back Princess Chuyang, who had been eating vegetarian food and praying to Buddha for three years, everyone recognized this loyal and filial princess.

Everyone was praising the princess, but they didn't think that after returning to the palace for half a year, the lucky Princess Chu Yang passed away due to illness.

The emperor was terrified, and decreed to posthumously confer the posthumous title of Princess Chuyang as the eldest princess, with the posthumous title of Qing, which means pure, glorious and beautiful.

The funeral of Princess Chuyang was carried out according to the standard of a state funeral, and she was buried in the imperial tomb for future generations to worship.

On the day of the funeral, the emperor presided over the funeral in person.

All the ministers put on mourning clothes and bowed silently.

In the cold wind, the flag of Bai Ji was fluttering, silently, as if mourning this lonely event.

At the end of the funeral, snow fell from the sky.

One after another, they floated down in the mausoleum, buried in the ground forever along with the soil, never to be seen again.

It was as if something, too, had melted away forever.

In the distance, when the snow fell, the pure white color fell on the roof of the carriage.

The inside of the carriage was unusually warm, and Yun Si was standing outside, wearing a white cloak and standing with her hands folded.

Under the white snow, her appearance completely recovered. She was no longer as delicate and delicate as Chu Yang was before, but changed back to the original gorgeous and unadorned, burning like a flower.

She was holding Mrs. Tang who was warming her hands, and her plain white face was covered with fluff, and everything seemed to be eclipsed.

The horn of mourning from a distance resounded through the sky.

Heavy and depressed, like endless evil spirits crying.

Yun Si stood quietly in the snow, looking into the distance.

His eyelashes trembled slightly, and his eyes fell on the unknown place again.

"You can go to reincarnation."

Her voice was as ethereal as snowflakes, unable to be grasped or touched.

However, a ray of soul hiding in the corner of the wall fluctuated for a while, and quietly poked its head out.

Chu Yang, who was 13 years old, looked like a young girl when he died.

So now, she still looks like a girl, thin and small, with a palm-sized face, only her eyes are big.

She is really timid, so small that even if she knows that she has become a ghost and cannot be seen by others, she still hides tightly and dare not show it.

Just like a rabbit, its eyes turn red when it is frightened.

When Yun Si's words fell, she bit her lip, revealing half of her pale and bloodless face.

Carefully looking at Yun Si, her little fingers pinched the corner of the wall, where endless coldness fell.

"Thank you."

Her voice was as soft as a mosquito's, and she stuttered.

Yun Si shook her head and said, "I didn't do anything."

So, she couldn't afford such a thank you.

Yun Si made a formula casually, and saw the dots of light falling on the little soul.

Wrapping her, a small flower of the other shore bloomed slowly.

Coquettish and coquettish, incomparably full of fire.

Yun Si said: "The messengers will come to you soon, you don't have to be afraid, just follow them."

(End of this chapter)

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