Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 809 The Tyrant's Little Princess

Chapter 809 The Tyrant's Little Princess (End)

The maids are still carefully helping her spread the skirt on the ground, letting the long skirt drag.

The empress who is about to be canonized has a long neck like jade and is as white as snow.

She stared fixedly at the picture in the bronze mirror, and thought of something, then raised her hand and stroked her forehead.

The fingertips are soft and caressing, as if they are touching something.

In the Changle Palace, when the emperor arrived, the maids greeted them quietly, and then retreated.

The phoenix skirt is long, and the wedding dress is like fire. The beauty stands quietly in front of the mirror, so beautiful that it makes people lose their hearts and souls.

The emperor stood there and watched for a long time.

Then, he approached and hugged her from behind.

"What's wrong? Not happy?"

He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his arms completely.

The scent of ambergris enveloped her, and in the bronze mirror, the man was pressing against her cheek, with a hint of rubbing hands.

Yun Si came back to her senses and quietly looked at him in the bronze mirror.

She pursed her lips slightly, and covered his palm with her white fingertips.

"Can you give me some flower tin?" she asked softly.

The emperor paused, "Huatian?"

"That is, draw a flower on my forehead."

"Red flowers." Yun Si looked at him with clear and bright eyes, with some anticipation, "Is it okay?"

A delicate and charming beauty, the eyebrows are always extremely vivid.

Like a bright fire, it can burn unhindered into people's hearts.

The emperor's deep gaze remained unmoved, and his thoughts were heavy.

After a few seconds, he put his lips on her forehead, kissed her, and gave a low hum.

The strength of holding her was tightened, like a chain, strong and powerful.

Yun Si slightly bent her lips and was also satisfied.

She is in the small world now and cannot really marry him, but
If there were flowers painted on her forehead, she would feel that she was really married to him, for real.

She turned around, stood on tiptoe, and hooked his neck.

Hug tightly, rely on tightly.

The emperor hugged her, paused for a while, and asked calmly,

"Are you afraid of mages?"


"Master, Taoist priest, monk, are you afraid?"

He stroked her back and repeated in a low voice.

Yun Si blinked, "I'm not afraid."

"Are you worried that I will show my original shape when I meet a Taoist or something?"

She thought for a while and laughed, "Don't worry, I'm very powerful, Taoist spells won't work for me."

The man said nothing, but hugged her tightly.

Yun Si was stunned for a moment, and probably guessed what he was thinking, "You don't know, you want to order the Taoist priests to be killed?"

"Why not?" He said lightly, without denying it.

Yun Si was silent, "It's okay, it really doesn't matter."

"." The man looked at her calmly.

"Demon, aren't you afraid of Taoism?"

When Yun Si heard this, she didn't know how to explain it.

"I..." She pursed her lips, "My situation is a bit special. Taoism and Buddhism are useless to me."

"And have you ever heard of demon exorcisers? Their spells don't work for me either."

Now because of Jiu Ge, although her soul and body are still monsters, she always feels that she has the shadow of a god.

God is not afraid of Taoism and Buddhism, so she is naturally not afraid.

However, I don't know how to explain this to him.

"In short, in short, I will be fine, you trust me, okay?"

She touched his brow and eyes, and her voice softened.

The man lowered his eyelids, not knowing whether he believed it or not.

He picked her up and walked towards the bed.

Yun Si: "."

(End of this chapter)

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