Chapter 821 Born For You (10)

The hungry wolf, who was feasting, trembled suddenly, and dragged the big roast pig aside.

The orcs were very tall and strong. When they stood up straight, they seemed to be [-] meters, almost three meters.

In front of him, the big bad wolf was like a kitten, weak beyond words.

The Beast looked displeased at being interrupted from his meal.

On that terrifying beast-like face, the fangs were all exposed, sharp and long.

He was wearing a taut tuxedo, and his trousers had been changed to leggings.

When stepping on the tiles with beast-like feet, one step at a time, as if the ground was shaken by it, which made people startled.

"Witch, you are always such a spoilsport."

He was very unhappy, and his voice was also roaring, shaking so much that even the fire in the fireplace quietly shrunk a little, for fear that the beast's anger would be vented on him.

Under the light, the unparalleled glamorous Lady Witch raised her eyes calmly and tilted her chin slightly.

Beautiful light green eyes, looking at him lightly, without emotion.

"I remember what I said, if you are so cold-blooded and ruthless, and you can't find the one you love before the age of 30, then you will become a beast forever, and you will never turn back into a human. Your castle will also be hidden forever dark."

Hearing the words, the beast laughed straight, cruel and flamboyant, as if it had heard some funny and ironic joke.

He sharpened the knife and fork in his hand, which was custom-made for him, big and sharp.

His eyes also became more excited with the sound of sharpening the knife, as if the blood in his whole body was boiling.

"Being a beast forever? That would be the best!"

Become a beast forever, then.
He has been able to eat people blatantly.

The beast's smile became more terrifying, and the whole half-human, half-beast face seemed to be twisted ferociously.

He was thinking, human meat is delicious and oily, it tastes like the best in the world.

This is much more delicious than those cattle, sheep and pigs, and it doesn't clog your teeth.

At first he wanted to be human again, but now he found that being a beast was more satisfying.

After possessing the strength and speed of a beast, it will be easier for him to prey on people. With just a light pinch, a person's neck can be snapped off without any resistance.

In addition, his teeth have become sharper, even if he eats people, he can still swallow the bones with big mouthfuls.

That feeling of flesh and bones squeaking together, not to mention how cool it is.

It felt so good, why did he want to be an adult?

After turning back into a human, everything he owns now is gone, not to mention eating meat freely. He doesn't want to go back to the original life of being aggrieved.

Lady Witch: "."

She frowned, as if taking a deep breath.

The beast in front of him was as huge as a mountain, and even the shadow it cast seemed to cover the entire hall.

The big bad wolf was still munching on the few remaining roast pigs in the corner, while the lady witch in a red dress raised her scepter and tapped the ground heavily.

A faint green light appeared from the bottom of the scepter, surrounded it, centered on the spot, and burst out in all directions.

Her voice is ethereal and ethereal, but also extremely penetrating, resounding through the entire castle, echoing endlessly,
"Prince Ella, you are arrogant, indifferent and selfish, and even more bloodthirsty and cruel. You want to be a beast, okay, then I will help you."

"In the future, as long as you eat a person, the pain of that person will come to your body at the same time. At the same time, you will lose any part of your body until you die completely."

(End of this chapter)

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