Chapter 834 Born For You (23)

After finally separating the two storylines, Mrs. Witch seems to be very tired after a busy day.

She was sitting on the reef by the sea, blowing the sea breeze, her misty gray curly hair intertwined with the hazy moonlight, against her snow-white cheeks, radiant and flawless, as if everything was for her Overwhelmed by beauty, there is no room for anything else.

With her bare feet, she was just soaking in the sea water, her delicate face was slightly upturned, quietly looking at the bright moon in the sky, as if she was thinking about something, and she was already in a daze.

The soft moonlight fell on her thick and curly hair, dyed with light silver, her lips were bright red, and her eyes were a light and charming green.

The whole person is dressed in a dark red dress, like a saint in a painting, noble and pure, but full of charm and beauty.

She stared at the crescent moon quietly for a long time, as if time had stood still, staying at that moment forever.

Finally, the slender and thick eyelashes seemed to tremble, and then lowered their eyelids, and slowly hugged their knees.

The red and white feet have been soaked in sea water for a long time, and they have become very cold.

She sat quietly on the reef like this, hugging her knees, and seemed to feel a little cold.

So, she buried her head and silently buried it in her arms.

This is a very insecure posture, curled up, shrinking yourself together.

With such a thin back, he sat there alone and coldly, as if he had been abandoned by the world, motionless, covered in darkness.

No one was around, not even a hint of warmth.

A witch who has been busy all day, has no friends and no home.

Often live in no fixed place, go anywhere.

She is full of magic, but doesn't seem to want to use it.

Obviously, she could conjure up a big house that could keep out the wind and rain, but she would rather sit outside alone, enduring the cold.

Every time, if she wanted to rest, she would find a place to sit and welcome the next day.

Day after day passed, and her time seemed endless.

The sea breeze blows her foggy gray hair, not very gentle.

The long hair was blown loose, and the cold temperature covered it, as if it could condense into frost.

In this way, the lonely lord witch kept this posture until dawn.




a long time later.

As the sun gradually rises in the sky, the bursting morning glow shines on the sparkling sea, and the seagulls start to soar and hunt their prey.

Accompanied by the sound of everything waking up, the thin figure sitting on the reef moved a little.

Like a baby cub just waking up, she slowly raised her head, her slightly pale face was covered with a layer of clear sunlight under the morning glow.

The long curly hair half-hid her face, so at this moment, only her delicate chin and half of her beautifully lined face can be seen.

Her exposed light green pupils were slightly narrowed, and there was no trace of emotion in her eyes.

Perhaps because she didn't rest well, her body was a little stiff, she stood up slowly, walked down the reef, and stepped on the soft sand.

Walking slowly, walking along the coastline, the lonely figure slowly disappeared.

From the beginning to the end, she didn't say a word.

But she seems to have someone she misses a lot, and there is a deep loneliness hidden in her beautiful eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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