Chapter 840 Born For You (29)

Gu Liang stood in front of the clay pot for a long time, until the temperature on the pot lid gradually dropped, and he opened it gently.

A light, blanched rice porridge with pale pink pork floating on top, and white sliced ​​yams.

There are chopped green onions on the side, which have been cut, but haven't been put down yet.

The smell of meat was mixed with the faint smell of porridge, and penetrated into his nostrils.

The stomach that had just been relieved suddenly began to growl.

The overwhelming hunger made him almost unable to stand.

He seemed to swallow, but then he quickly put the lid on the pot.

Because, he heard a voice coming from the entrance hall.

#Reader Comment Area#
"What's the situation? Da Da hasn't updated in three days. Did Da Da get kidnapped by his girlfriend?"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much

"Isn't it because we said Da Da had a girlfriend before, and Da Da was unhappy?"

"Impossible, are you new here upstairs? Old fans know that Da Da never reads comments, no matter what we say, he won't read."


"What's the matter? Can't you write any more? Your lady witch clearly writes very well. Could it be that you have no inspiration?"

"Blindly guessing that the author has lost a lot of love, or the goddess of unrequited love failed, so I won't update it."

"Ah, how can this be? Could it be that the pretty witch is going to be a supporting role? Oh no, is it going to be a soy sauce?"

"It's possible. Before you read, when the new article first opened, the Witch didn't have a chance to appear at all. She obviously looked like a soy sauce, and obviously didn't want to write about her in detail, but then suddenly, the Witch appeared. , and the playing time has increased significantly.”

"Then what should I do? Are you going to change the protagonist? Don't, it's rare that it's a beautiful young lady, and she's also a positive character when she appears on the stage. Woohoo. When will the big misogyny be cured? The child humbled and begged for the heroine once."

"Or, may there be a reversal? Perhaps a bigger brain hole is brewing?"

"Hey, just wait, I don't care, I'll bet that the lady witch will be the only protagonist in this article. My panties are all here!"


"Add +1!"

"Raise +10086!!!"

Yun Si, who was naked and drenched by the rain, opened the door with the key with difficulty, and when she entered her eyes, she met a pair of dark pupils.

He was wearing a mask, which blocked most of his face. The tall, thin man stood there with a kitchen knife in his hand, and it seemed that he would chop it off in the next second.

"." Yun Si took a step back, the key in her hand was not stable, and fell to the ground with a thud.

The long wet foggy gray hair stuck to her cheeks, making her face delicate and beautiful. The light green pupils were slightly moist and innocent.

"who are you?"

It seemed that he hadn't spoken for a long time, his voice was a little hoarse, his tone of cold tone, and his black pupils seemed to be colder than the rain outside.

He held the kitchen knife tightly in his hand, as if he wanted to aim at her.

As if as long as she took a step closer, he would chop it down without mercy.

"." Yun Si put down the ingredients she was carrying, and raised her hands to show that she had no malice.

(End of this chapter)

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