Chapter 845 Born For You (34)

It was as if an addict had finally found a medicine to relieve it, and even the irritability gradually calmed down.

She looked at him, remained silent for a while, and then said, "Would you believe me if I said I was a witch?"

She throws out an answer that is not even remotely possible.

witch?Or a witch from a fairy tale?
Witches come true?
Anyone with a normal mind would not believe this answer.

She obviously realized this too, so she raised her chin slightly, folded her arms,

"Anyway, I did come from the "Fairy Tale House" you wrote, and I came here out of nowhere. I was going to deal with the story of Sleeping Beauty, but for some reason, I suddenly appeared in this place, and as soon as I came, I saw you passed out on the bed with a high fever."

"So." The following story, as he saw it.

She said, paused for two seconds, and added: "Of course, if you don't believe it, I can't help it. After all, this matter is really outrageous, and it's normal if you don't believe it."

"." The man narrowed his eyes, stared at her, and said nothing.

After a while, she suddenly seemed to think of something, and stretched out her hand to the side in front of him.

Soon, a bowl full of porridge floated over.

She caught it, and held it in front of him with clear eyes, "Do you believe it now? I really have magic."

She showed him patiently.

The man stared fixedly at her hand, and then at her.

Then, he let go of her hand.

"So, you are my witch." He stated calmly.

Yun Si nodded.

"Then will you go back?"

Yun Si wanted to shake her head.

But thinking of something, she replied: "Probably? After all, I am the character in your novel. If I don't go back, the plot will be messed up?"

In fact, it is already chaotic, and it is still in disarray.

She was still wondering what kind of psychopath was responsible for it, but now she realized that it was the dog man she fell in love with.

It's not true if she scolds, and it's not true if she doesn't scold.

Gu Liang looked at her, and said calmly, "But, I already plan not to write this article."

Yun Si: Huh? ? ?
"You stopped writing?! Why?"

"The plot is too messy, I don't want to write it."


Good reason.

"Really don't plan to write? Why don't you think about it?" Yun Si persuaded him symbolically.

Gu Liang didn't answer, took the bowl and spoon in her hand, then turned around and entered the bedroom.

The door of the room closed again.

Yun Si: "."

Why is the dog man's mind becoming more and more fickle?
Sometimes it's cloudy and sometimes it's sunny.

#Reader Comment Area#
"It's the fourth day since I left, I miss him and miss him."

"It's over, Da Da has never been off for such a long time, can't you really run away?"

"Are you sure you don't want this article? Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow~"

"No! As long as Da Da has not published a new article, I believe Da Da will not give up this article!! Everyone wait for me!!!"

"My baby witch. How could you be so unlucky to meet such a misogynistic author? It's too difficult, you shouldn't have been born into this author's hand~"

"Everyone, don't be discouraged, there will definitely be an update, but something happened, so I didn't update it."

"Upstairs! Could it be a broken relationship? Think about it, it's very possible!"

(End of this chapter)

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