Chapter 850 Born For You (39)

He didn't want her to see what he looked like.

"Please. Let me in"

His eye sockets were almost red, and his knees were slightly bent, as if he was about to kneel down.

The appearance of humility and pleading was unprecedented. He was hesitant and helpless at the moment, and even struggling seemed so pitiful.

However, this time, Yun Si was determined.

If she pampered him again, it would only add new wounds to his face.

As she said just now, if he can avoid her for a while, is it possible that he can avoid her forever?

24 hours a day, he was wearing a mask non-stop, and in the end he hurt himself. Didn't she feel distressed?
Yun Si looked at him, and suddenly let go of his hand.

Just after the man thought he could go in, Yun Si followed suit.

"You—you go out—"

Gu Liang covered half of his face, hands and feet flustered.

He wanted to push her out, but when she looked over, he didn't dare to push her hard.

With such a big fist, he was obviously clenched tightly and could be resolved with violence, but he was like a little daughter-in-law, with his hands and feet bound, and he didn't even dare to push.

Finally, Yun Si forced him to the bedside.

He subconsciously picked up the quilt on the bed to cover his face.

But in the next second, as soon as the magic appeared, the quilt disappeared.

Gu Liang's hand was empty.

He didn't dare to look at her at all, he fell down on the bed, kept supporting his elbows, and stepped back.

But immediately, the witch, who can do magic, raised his hand, and easily fixed his limbs and pressed him on the bed.

His limbs became immobile, and he was fixed to the bed by invisible ropes.

His face was completely exposed to the light, and he could see everything at a glance.

Gu Liang's eyes were completely red, and his face was pale without a trace of blood.

His fist seemed to crush his knuckles, so hard that the veins were completely exposed.

At this moment, his whole body was icy cold, staring at the lights above, under her sight, it seemed as if the blood began to flow backwards, rushing straight to the top of his skull, making him wish he could die at this very moment.

At this time, the light in the room was very bright, so bright that the scars on his face could be seen clearly.

His eyes were red, and he was still trying to turn his face sideways, trying to cover half of his burn scar.

Even though he knew that he was like a lamb on the cutting board and had no power to resist, he was still covering it up tightly, maintaining his last bit of poor self-esteem.

Yun Si looked at him quietly, and seemed to sigh helplessly.

When that sigh came down, Gu Liang's body completely cooled down.

The little bit of pride left in her bones seemed to have been crushed and turned into ashes amidst her sighs, and there was nothing left.

His eyes were red, and he suddenly stopped moving.

An quietly looked away, tears seemed to be silently falling from the corners of her eyes.

Endless soreness and grievances continued to expand in his chest.

He seemed to be trying to wipe away tears, not to show his vulnerability.

However, his hands and feet were controlled by magic, and he couldn't move at all.

In the end, he didn't make a sound at all, instead he closed his eyes, as if trying to force his tears back.

The light above the room was too bright, which made him extremely resentful, and even began to vent his anger.

He was thinking that he would tear down the lamp that humiliated him, kick it into pieces, and even throw it into the stinky ditch so that it would never shine again.

This endless humiliation was all because of it.

(End of this chapter)

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