Chapter 877 Marriage First, Love Later (16)

Entering the subway station, just right, the three victims were standing in front of the railroad tracks waiting for the train.

Afterwards, Feng Longbing deliberately stepped forward to make trouble, and several brothers began to step forward to help.

If the three victims had endured, perhaps this matter would have passed.

But obviously, the three of them have a lot of temper.

After going back and forth, I started to move my hands.

Feng Longbing also had a violent temper, and his strength was even worse after drinking.

A few people forced them to the edge of the railway platform, and they just wanted to scare them.

However, they did not stand firm and fell off the platform.

Coincidentally, the late-night subway roared in at this moment.

Brings a blinding light.

Bright red blood splashed instantly, and then.
The three victims died at the scene.

The whole murder case was completely matched in terms of time.

The evidence of witnesses is also sufficient. It was a simple case of negligence and injury, and the ending was embarrassing.

After Yun Si listened to the group meeting report, before she had time to say anything, she heard the group leader clapping her hands.

For a while, there was applause in the meeting room.

"Xiao Zhang, not bad, really good, you have done a good job in this task."

"In this month's performance review, you will get an extra bonus."

The team leader of the third criminal investigation team immediately stood at attention and saluted, "Thank you boss! We will continue to work hard!"

There was another round of applause in the conference room.

"." Yun Si swallowed the words she wanted to question.

She looked at the information displayed on the computer. Although the three victims had different occupations, they had one thing in common.

That is, they all used to work for Tianyang Group.

Tianyang Group, the largest real estate company in the market, is said to be second only to the Huo family in terms of annual revenue.

Such a large company is deeply rooted in the real estate industry and has continuously acquired other companies. In recent years, its business territory has been expanding, trying to form a complete and closed business chain, which shows its great ambitions.

And Qian Zongyu, the accountant who just worked in the bank, has worked in Tianyang Group for more than ten years.

After working for the group for so many years, I will know something without saying anything.

What's more, I don't know if it's a coincidence.

In the last hanging suicide case, Qiu Qizhong, a middle-aged man in his 40s, also had contact with Tianyang Group.

Before his death, he happened to have a cooperation with Tianyang Group.

Thinking about it this way, the death of these four people
Yun Si turned the pen around, thoughtfully.

Five o'clock in the afternoon, the police station.

There was no homicide all day today, so the criminal investigation team can get off work early.

Yun Si drove back to her apartment, parked the car in the underground parking lot, and then went upstairs in the elevator.


The elevator stopped on the sixteenth floor.

The elevator door opened slowly.

As soon as Yun Si walked out, she saw a figure squatting on the tiled corridor from the back.

Barefoot, dressed in tatters, and the corners of the clothes were scratched by unknown things.

Looking from the back, the hair is messy, and the suit he is wearing is also stained with strange stains.

Such a big person just squatted in front of her door, with his head raised, like a big dog, staring at her door, as if he wanted to stare a hole in her door.

It was neither loud nor noisy, there was an eerie silence in the corridor.

Yun Si: ".?"

She blinked and took two steps forward, "Mr. Huo Huo?"

A squatting, dirty man suddenly turned his head.

Immediately, his eyes lit up visibly to the naked eye.

Standing up, he rushed to her.

"Si Si~"

(End of this chapter)

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