Chapter 879 Marriage First, Love Later (18)

"." Yun Si stared at him.

She took a tentative step.

As a result, he followed immediately.

Like a dog skin plaster, he hugged her tightly.

". Are you listening?"

He immediately lowered his head, aggrieved, "Listen."

"Then take a bath obediently."

".I don't! I want Si Si."

He is a muscle, and he is dead to the end.

Staring at her with stubborn and stubborn eyes, it was too straightforward.

"I just want Si Si."

Yun Si's forehead jumped.

"I mean, you wash first—"

"I don't, I want Si Si."


She was wrong, she shouldn't choose to reason with a child with only a three-year-old IQ.

Looking at someone who was clearly still ignorant, she stood expressionless for a while.

Immediately, she turned around and walked into the bathroom.

In the next second, a dog skin plaster followed in.

After half an hour.

A big fool who had been cleaned up was led out obediently like a little wife.

Yun Si didn't have men's clothes here, so she made him wear a loose bathrobe.

The big fool was cheerful, looking at his bathrobe, and then at Yunsi.

Yun Si also had water on her body just now, so she simply took a bath as well.

She was wearing short-sleeved shorts, which was refreshing.

The big idiot immediately hugged her from behind, and rubbed against her self-taught, sticky, "Si Si~ I'm hungry~"

"." Yun Si glanced at him without emotion, "Didn't you just say you won't eat?"

The man with an IQ of only three years old was stunned and looked at her blankly.

What should have been a noble and cold face, after washing, coupled with his soft and dependent eyes, there was an inexplicable harmony in the abruptness.

He didn't seem to notice it himself, and he was always acting like a baby unconsciously, showing weakness.

"Si Si is more important than food, but Ah Yuan is a little hungry."

"Only a little bit," he compared with his fingers, especially emphasizing.

"It's okay for A Yuan not to eat, but A Yuan only wants Si Si and nothing else."

He is extremely serious.

In his heart, Si Si is much more important than rice.

There is no comparison between the two.

"." Yun Si wanted to laugh.


She grabbed his hand and held it.

"Although I don't know how you came to my house, but since you're here, you should be obedient and don't run around, you know?"

She is smiling.

The silly man nodded immediately, very solemnly.

Yun Si just went to cook, and by the way, called Bai Zhirong.

Her son suddenly appeared here, she might not be found there, so be anxious.

Bai Zhirong was really anxious.

Huo Zhiyuan suddenly disappeared without taking anything, not even his cell phone.

This day happened to be the day when he became ill, and his spirit was in an abnormal state.

At this time every month before, he would lock himself up until the 56th and [-]th.

But this time, I really saw a ghost.

He ran out suddenly without leaving any news.

Bai Zhirong was in a hurry to check the surveillance, and was about to send someone to look for it secretly.

But Yun Si made a phone call, and the stone in her heart finally fell.

He was alone. He walked from Huo's house to the center of the city, ran to his apartment, and stayed there for most of the day.

Bai Zhirong didn't know what to say immediately.

The expression on his face was a bit weird for a while.

Yun Si put the phone to the ear of a man who was holding her, and motioned for him to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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