Chapter 882 Marriage First, Love Later (21)

The next morning.

At seven o'clock, when the sun rose outside, the neighborhood was still clean.

The sky above the tall buildings is cloudless and light blue.

The bird on the tree spread its wings, flew from one end of the tree to the other, and then stayed on the handrail of the building.

It jumped up and down, yelled twice, and flew away quickly.

At this time, in the room.

The screen of the mobile phone that was randomly placed in front of the bedside table lighted up slightly, and the alarm at seven o'clock seemed to be ringing soon.

On the bed, the sleeping person was still completely buried in the quilt, his long hair was scattered outside, and his white feet were sunken in the soft and pink quilt, with distinct colors.

She closed her eyes and was sound asleep.

Half of her beautiful face was exposed, and her fingertips were soft.

The room was very quiet, but the phone's alarm sounded like a thunderbolt, and suddenly rang.

There was a sudden sound, and then, it was stopped by a slender hand.

The room was quiet again.

That mere sound made the person on the bed frown slightly.

But fortunately, she didn't wake up.

She was still asleep without knowing it, and she didn't realize at all that the people beside her had woken up.

The tall and indifferent figure stood by the window, blocking the light from outside.

The loose men's pajamas were taken off, revealing the wheat-colored tendons and clearly visible abdominal muscles.

Smooth and perfect muscle lines, cold and ascetic jawline, and fingers that can be called works of art.

He put on his suit again, put on his tie, and put on his watch.

All the movements made no sound, and did not break the silence in the room.

And the person who was lazily asleep like a cat on the bed turned over and rolled to the empty seat next to him.

Because the light was blocked, she was more comfortable and slept with the pillow in her arms.

Heartless, she never realized that she was alone on the bed.

Soon, the clock on the wall pointed to seven fifteen.

And in the room, the tall and cold figure stood beside the bed, quietly, without saying a word, like a silent shadow.

He looked at the white and beautiful woman on the bed, and at the half of her exposed side face, his eyes were dark.

The woman's eyes were closed, her eyebrows and eyes were bright, and her lips were surprisingly red and soft.

The pajamas and pajamas on her body were very regular, but due to inadvertent reasons, the corners of the clothes were lifted a little, revealing a small section of white waist.

The waist is white, the ankles are delicate, and when she is sleeping peacefully, her beauty is still so charming that people can't take their eyes off her.

The figure stood beside the bed for a long time, and I don't know how long he looked at it.

Finally, he was slightly attached, and his long fingers seemed to stick out.

Slowly touched the corner of her clothes, and pulled the corner of her clothes back.

After blocking the small piece of white, his fingertips paused for a moment.

Then, he was grabbed by the soft hand of the woman.

Grasping his two fingers firmly, her figure moved.

"you're awake?"

She didn't open her eyes, she only softened her voice slightly, feeling very sleepy.

The man looked at her face calmly, without speaking, his eyes were cold.

Unable to get his answer, Yun Si finally opened her eyes slightly and looked at him with half-closed eyes.

At this moment, he was wearing a haute couture suit with no wrinkles, and his aura was extremely cold.

Standing half bent over by the bed, her phoenix eyes were deep and dark, as heavy as fog.

The evil and cold eyebrows and eyes are like ghosts in the dark night, with an imposing manner and a lot of pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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