Chapter 886 Marriage First, Love Later (25)

But the day before yesterday, his performance on the phone completely overturned her cognition.

She almost thought that Yun Si gave him some kind of medicine, that's why--

so and so.

She said: "Although I don't know the situation between you, but... I always have such an intuition."

"Of course, this is just my guess, and you don't have to pay too much attention to it."

After all, he personally said the three words it doesn't matter.

So thinking about it, he probably has no interest in Yun Si.

Yun Si was silent.

"I see, thank you, Auntie."

She still didn't tell her what happened in those two days.

After hanging up the phone, she recalled the way Mr. Huo looked at her in the morning.

like her?

She laughed.

The investigation results of the apartment dismemberment case came out soon again.

The deceased Lu Wei, male, 48 years old, worked as the manager of the sales department of Tianyang Group before his death. Because he maliciously bullied a short boy in his class in high school, the boy was mentally abnormal and twisted. Thirty years later Crazy and crazy came to the house for revenge.

The police used camera surveillance and quickly cracked the case.

It turned out that the murderer was already mentally disturbed when he committed the crime. After the crime was completed, he crossed the road in a trance and was hit by a truck and died on the spot.

So, the case was solved, and the murderer didn't need to be arrested, because he was already dead.

Another typical example of filing a case today and closing it tomorrow. The efficiency of the police station is astonishingly high.

The next day, Yun Si sorted out the case documents that had been closed and put them in the reference room.

At the same time, she glanced at the files beside her.

The deceased was related to Tianyang Group
She twitched the corner of her lips playfully, then turned and left.


The lights were on in the apartment, the open-air balcony was closed, and the curtains were drawn.

When the time displayed on the phone screen was nine o'clock in the evening, the moonlight outside was thick and the night was quiet.

There is still a TV in the living room, and there are snacks on the coffee table.

While Yun Si was quietly watching TV with her legs crossed, hugging a pillow, the doorbell suddenly rang.

She looked over.

The doorbell rang again.


She listened to the doorbell, put on her slippers, and walked over.

Looking outside through the cat's eyes, she was slightly taken aback when she saw someone coming, and then opened the door.

"Huo, Mr. Huo?"

The tall and ascetic Mr. Huo stood there, looking at her calmly with cold eyes.

The sensor light was on outside the door, covering him at this moment, bringing a stronger sense of oppression and approach invisibly.

He took off his suit jacket and was only wearing a white shirt and black trousers. There was a cold breath coming from his body, and there seemed to be a faint smell of alcohol.

"." Yun Si looked at him blankly, "It's about time, what do you want?"

As soon as the voice fell, his figure suddenly fell down.

Like a huge mountain, it fell directly on Yun Si.

The goblin hugged him subconsciously, and was forced to stagger back a step.

"Mr. Huo?"

She hugged his waist and smelled the alcohol on his body.

Mixed with his cool breath, it smells inexplicably pleasant.

Mr. Huo fell on her body, his chin resting on her collarbone, and his long arms wrapped around her, hugging her.

The long and narrow eyes were half closed, like a beast that had lost its sharp claws, and the whole person was comforted.

Yun Si: ".?"

sick again?

(End of this chapter)

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