Chapter 894 Marriage First, Love Later (33)

When a woman in black clothes, black trousers and a peaked cap came towards the wind, the black rubber raincoat hanging above the abandoned factory moved.

Water was still dripping on it, drop by drop, falling to the ground.

The puddle of water on the ground was wet and icy cold.

The sound of water droplets falling echoed in the empty factory, and the sound was extraordinarily loud.

Yun Si stood calmly in front of the factory, wearing wide-leg shorts and pockets.

It just blocked the air outlet, her hair was flying, and her face was exquisite and flamboyant.

Her eyes fell on a pair of black rubber rain boots placed in the corner of the factory, and her tone was cold: "Come out."

Two short words, concise and to the point, cold and cool, with a dashing figure.

The factory was still silent.

There is only the sound of water droplets, dripping drop by drop at a constant speed, echoing in mid-air.

Yun Si's expression was calm, "Don't make me say it a second time."

Her very penetrating voice, with strong pressure, centered on herself and spread towards the surroundings.

The strong airflow fluctuations directly lifted the hanging raincoat, flipping it to the ground, and the sound of water droplets disappeared immediately.

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment, the time gear was stuck, and the sound of the wind also stopped.

The delicate-looking woman raised her eyes, her eyes were cold.

Inside the factory, it was frozen for a long time.

After a long, long time.

A dark figure slowly walked out from the huge plaque in the factory.

He is tall and strong, and his footsteps are extremely heavy.

He was barefoot, stepping on a piece of ruins, and slowly raised his head.

His pale and coquettish face, his bloodthirsty red eyes, and his lips were extremely rosy, as if they were smeared with the blood of the dead.

The demonic aura on his body was strong, and the smell of blood was even more overwhelming.

With his fists clenched tightly, he was completely exposed to the air, staring at the opposite woman with intense hostility.

"You are, Yun Si?"

His voice was a bit indiscriminate, as if he hadn't developed well, it was extremely weird.

Can't tell what the tone is, but it just makes people feel uncomfortable.

Strong discomfort.

Yun Si put it in her pocket, looked at the strong man who was two heads taller than him, her face was cold,
"When did you cultivate and take shape?" she asked.

The man looked her up and down, his lifeless eyes were terribly red.

He was pacing slowly, surrounding her, observing with intense eyes, and the hostility in his body seemed to dissipate a little.

This is the same breath.

Between the same kind, nature is more friendly.

He snorted coldly and said, "I've already turned into a human form, it's just that you don't care about us juniors, so you don't go back and look at it."

His tone was even more wrong.

Yun Si paused and looked sideways, "When did I stop caring about you?"

"Could it be that I'm not here, and you have been bullied?"

The man walked to the ruins, sat with his legs open, his red eyes were cold: "What do you think?"

Bullying is naturally impossible. The Bianhua family is extremely protective and united.

Evil ghosts can bully one or two flowers, but they are absolutely no match for thousands of flowers.

In addition, as the first flower demon of the other shore, Yunsi has a strong demon power and has already gained a reputation.

Now in hell, the Bian Hua family dominates, and no ghost dares to bully them.

Even Lord Yan is respectful to the Bianhua flowers on the side of Huangquan Road, and dare not show any face.

Of course he didn't mean that, he just wanted to satirize her.


(End of this chapter)

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