Chapter 901 Marriage First, Love Later (40)

Yun Si was still watching TV while drinking porridge.

The broadcast on TV hadn't finished yet, but suddenly there was a knock on the door of the apartment.

One sound after another, the door was slammed very hard.

Yun Si looked over.

After 1 minute, the door opened.

The woman with disheveled hair and a suspender nightgown lazily raised her eyes and crossed her arms.

With a glowing complexion, and eyebrows and eyes that are not dyed with makeup but are still extremely beautiful, she looked at the person with a flat tone.

"Didn't I tell you to wait?"

The 1.9-meter-tall man in front of him was wearing a peaked cap and a pocket, and his posture was exactly the same as Yunsi's last time.

The peaked cap blocked his excessively pale face, revealing only the jawline and extremely red lips.

He was wearing a T-shirt and wide-leg shorts, so muscular that they almost tore the cuffs.

When standing in front of the door, it is like a big mountain, full of oppression.

He raised his head slightly, looked at her with red and indifferent eyes, and walked in.

"." Yun Si turned to look at him.

He strode to the direction of the sofa, and then leaned on the back of the sofa, sitting with his pockets in his pockets, feeling cool and cold.

Her body was all black, almost the same as what Yun Si was wearing that day.

Yun Si pursed her lips and closed the door.

Walking over, looking at his attire, he picked up the bowl that was placed on the coffee table just now.

"I'm hungry."

A muscular man with a cold, expressionless face.

Yun Si: ".?"

She looked down at the bowl in her hand.

"Don't you think I'm heartless?" She raised her eyebrows and looked at him.

The man didn't speak, but repeated it coolly, "I'm hungry."

Meaning, he wants to eat.

"." Yun Si was silent.

After a while, she took a deep breath, turned around and walked to the kitchen.

The cool man seemed to take a peek, and then sat down without changing his expression.

Seeing the TV playing, he stared at it for a while, then picked up the remote control beside him.

Switch, switch, switch.

Finally, his red eyes stared at the garden baby on TV, and he didn't move.

Well, this one looks better.

Fifteen minutes later, Yun Si placed a large bowl of steaming dumplings on the dining table.

"Come and eat." She tapped on the table.

The man who was still staring at the garden baby stood up suddenly.

Walking over, took the chopsticks in her hand, and then sat down on the sofa with the big bowl in hand.

Eat while watching the garden babies.

By the way, he also said arrogantly: "Thank you."

Yun Si: "."

I really want to beat him up.

She endured it, turned and entered the bedroom.

In the living room, the cool man picked up a dumpling and took a bite.

When he was about to chew, he seemed to be still for a moment, his deep red eyes staring at the dumplings for at least a few seconds.

Afterwards, he began to take two bites, picked up the dumplings and stuffed them into his mouth until his cheeks were bulging, but he was still not satisfied.

A few minutes later, Yun Si came out after changing her clothes.

As soon as she opened the door, a big empty bowl appeared in front of her.

The man stood there with red lips, looked at her expressionlessly, and said, "More."

Yun Si: "."

"There are still two bags in the refrigerator. If you want to eat them, just boil some water and boil them."

She patiently pointed in the direction of the kitchen.

This method is simple and fast, and it is also suitable for Xiaobai.

However, before she finished speaking, he refused, very coldly: "I want you to cook."


Yun Si was about to speak.

But he stared at her, with a little hostility in his eyes, and said, "I'm hurt, it hurts."

"Don't you feel sorry for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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