Dressed to be a grandmother

Chapter 115 Moral Kidnapping

Chapter 115 Moral Kidnapping
"With the power to think wildly, it's better to stay and have children."

After being drunk by Chen Zhaodi, the old lady Chen, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law quickly woke up. The old lady Chen repeatedly said yes, seeing that the daughter-in-law was obviously exhausted, she caught a glimpse of the toffee that had fallen by the pillow, and hurriedly grabbed it with her hands. Trembling and peeling.

"Xiao Tao, hold on, eat a toffee to save some strength."

With milk candy stuffed in her mouth, Xiaotao couldn't speak because of the pain, so she nodded with difficulty.

Bai Xi entered the courtyard, frowning tightly all the time, ignoring the expectant gazes that were glued to her body, walked to the closed door of the delivery room, stretched out her hand to open the door, but put it down hesitantly. .

She doesn't know anything, going in is just adding to the chaos.

"What's going on inside now?"

The woman holding the water wanted to talk to her, but a figure jumped in front of Bai Xi faster than anyone else, then knelt down violently, followed by the sound of her head knocking on the ground.

"Bang bang bang" several loud bangs in succession.

"Grandma, my aunt has a difficult labor, please help my aunt."

"Get up first." Bai Xi glanced at him, it was Old Madam Chen's eldest grandson.

"No, grandma, please save my aunt." Chen Tianming didn't get up, but kowtowed a few more times, his forehead was broken in an instant, and the forehead stained with dust and blood looked particularly shocking at this moment .

"Everyone says my aunt is the most powerful and the most blessed, and I ask my aunt to save my aunt. If my family is really so unlucky and must die, I am willing to exchange my life."

His parents left early, he was still young when his aunt married in, and his grandmother was not in good health, so it was his aunt who brought him up by shitting and urinating. It can be said that the aunt is his mother.

Now my aunt finally had a child, but she encountered dystocia. Thinking of losing his mother again, Chen Tianming panicked and feared. When he saw Bai Xi, he grabbed the straw to save his life. , refused to let go.

"I beg my aunt to show mercy..." It is said that Li's sister-in-law's twins were born with the blessing of her aunt.

He didn't believe it before, these things are so mysterious, just a little milk doll, the teacher said, we must respect facts and believe in science, although he doesn't know what facts are and what science is.

But he asked the teacher, and the teacher said that some concepts in Niuluo Village are old ideas, which are not advisable. Learning knowledge and culture is to abolish the old concepts and ideas, so as to make progress.

The teacher teaches knowledge, speaks with reason and evidence, and can also explain the principles in the text, where there is nothing wrong.

Feeling puzzled, when Chen Tianming met Bai Xi, he still called her aunt with everyone, but he didn't believe that she was blessed.

How can people believe that luck is invisible.

But now, Chen Tianming believed it. If my aunt was lucky enough to allow Li's sister-in-law to have twins safely, then my aunt would also be able to allow his aunt to give birth safely.

"Auntie, please, Auntie, please..."

"Ouch..." Xiao Hei immediately roared at Chen Tianming.

Although it doesn't know so many reasons, it can also see that Chen Tianming is persecuting its master.

If Xiao Hei lived in modern times, he would know that there is a saying called moral kidnapping.

"Xiao Hei!" Bai Xi scolded Xiao Hei lightly, looked down at Chen Tianming, and did not speak.

Seeing this, Chen Tianming felt desperate. He raised his head, stared at Bai Xi, and said angrily, "If I hadn't been there early in the morning waiting to see you, if I hadn't knelt down to worship you, what would have happened to my aunt."

"Chen Tianming, what nonsense are you talking about!" Chen Daliu gasped, he strode up, raised his hand high and was about to swing it down.

Disrespect to my aunt is simply unforgivable.

Mrs. Zhang also shouted angrily: "Why are you still standing there, drag this bastard down."

"Hit, hit, hit me to death, my aunt won't live, and neither will I." Chen Ming hit his head on Chen Daliu's stomach, looking like a broken can.

With so much strength, Chen Daliu was knocked back a few steps.

"Why, why won't you save my aunt..."

Chen Daliu was furious, stepped forward to grab Chen Tianming, slapped him hard, and knocked him out.

"Presumptuous! Have you learned all the rules in the stomach of a dog? Our Chen family does not have such unfilial descendants as you!"

Speaking of which, Mrs. Chen's family and Chen Daliu are still relatives, but they are relatives who have passed the fifth service. Even so, in Niuluo Village, they are also on the family tree of the Chen family.

How dare you force your aunt, how audacious.

Chen Daliu has already decided that after the third year of junior high school, he will talk to the clan elders about this, remove Chen Tianming from the family tree, and drive him out of Niuluo Village.

Chen Tianming's head was buzzing from the beating, and he didn't care when he hit the pillar. He continued to get up, and asked Bai Xi with tears on his face: "Everyone respects you and says you are a lucky person. Why don't you save me?" My aunt? Are you that cruel? "

"What kind of bullshit elder are you, bullshit grandma..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the originally sunny sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and there were bursts of thunder. When it was clearly sunny, the sky suddenly turned dark, so dark that it was about to drop ink. Similarly, bolts of lightning continuously tore through the sky above, and the air suddenly became cramped.

This change immediately caused everyone in the yard to freeze in place. Everyone looked up at the sky with horror on their faces.

God is angry!
Lightning fell several times and approached Chen Tianming, but because Bai Xi was standing in front of Chen Tianming, maybe he was afraid of hurting Bai Xi, and the lightning that was about to hit Chen Tianming turned away, but he still retreated back.

This miraculous scene made everyone who saw this scene open their mouths in astonishment. Everyone almost forgot to breathe, and just stared at it with wide eyes.

But for a few seconds, it seemed as long as the past century.

Bai Xi glanced up at the sky, frowned strangely, but didn't think much, and turned to Chen Daliu, who was stunned aside in shock, "Drag on!"

At this moment, there was a sound of exclamation from the room, vaguely as if hearing words such as bleeding, Bai Xi no longer hesitated, stretched out her hand and pushed open the door of the delivery room to enter.

The exclamation inside was heard by everyone waiting in the yard, not to mention Chen Tianming who was right at the door of the delivery room.

Chen Tianming wanted to rush in before Bai Xi, but he was quickly knocked out by Xiao Heiyan, and then he was restrained by Chen Daliu who woke up.

He shook off the shackles but couldn't hold up to two strong young men, so he was dragged down like that.

But Lightning didn't give up before, and was staring at Chen Tianming closely, as if he was looking for an opportunity to hit him.

 Chapter, how many chapters are coming.

  I haven't eaten yet...

(End of this chapter)

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