Chapter 136
After a few moderate rains, it has entered August.

It was still so hot, when Chen Zhaodi came to the tree house with a big belly, Bai Xi was stroking Xiao Hei's head boredly.

A chubby, white and tender little girl was sitting on the wooden floor, and a big white tiger was squatting aside, with her head resting on the wooden floor, allowing the little girl to rub her head.

Anyone who saw this appalling scene would feel astonished and frightened, but the people in Niuluo Village were no strangers to it.

Every time they saw it, everyone couldn't help being excited. Their aunt is a fairy in the sky, otherwise, Xiao Hei is a big white tiger, how could he follow his aunt willingly?

Now everyone has nothing to worry about except that Xiao Hei is too big and his head will be pressed down on Bai Xi's legs.

"Grandma." Chen Zhaodi blessed Bai Xi, and then, under Bai Xi's signal, sat on a chair beside her.

"I haven't seen my aunt for a few days. How did my aunt eat? How did she sleep?"

"It's not bad." Bai Xi looked at Chen Zhaodi's stomach, feeling tangled in his heart.

Now, as long as she hears that someone in the village has a month-old belly, she has to walk around, and she doesn't want everyone to think that she is a mother-in-law.

Seeing Chen Zhaodi coming over with a big belly, Bai Xi's heart beat a little.

"Your belly, how many months old?"

As soon as the words were finished, Bai Xi regretted it. She asked again what she had agreed not to ask.

"Going back to my aunt, exactly nine months."

When Bai Xi heard this, she nodded, "It's good to have a baby, I'm too tall here, and it's not easy for you to get up and down, so don't run here recently."

"Listen to my aunt." Chen Zhaodi stroked her stomach and smiled softly. She really couldn't make trouble for her aunt.

"Have you seen a doctor? How did you say it?" Now that he had asked all the questions, Bai Xi asked a few more questions.

How to put it, Chen Zhaodi also took care of her for a period of time, so you should ask her if you want to.

Chen Zhaodi replied seriously: "I visited the commune health station two days ago, and the doctor at the health station said that the due date is half a month later."

"Okay, then you should prepare well. You have been born before, so there is nothing to worry about." Bai Xi probably knew that Chen Zhaodi came here to make her feel at ease. Although Bai Xi felt that she couldn't do anything now, she could help the villagers It's okay to have peace of mind.

"Hey, I see, thank you, aunt."

Bai Xi smiled when she heard the words, and didn't say anything more, muttering to herself, I didn't say anything, thank you for what I did.

It has been half a year, and the fish and meat distributed in the village have already been eaten up, and the supplementary nutrition depends on a few chickens raised by the family.

It happened that some hunters who followed Xiao Hei into the mountains for hunting brought some bird eggs, so Bai Xi gave Chen Zhaodi a dozen or so and asked her to take them back to nourish her body.

After Chen Zhaodi left, Bai Xi suddenly remembered, and kicked Xiao Hei: "I gave the bird's egg, will nothing happen?"

Xiao Hei tilted his head and thought for a while, then whimpered, Master, what can I do?

Bai Xi: "..." Forget it, she would rather ask Chen Rui than Xiao Hei.

A few days later, before the eggs were finished, Chen Zhaodi's stomach started to move.

In just over an hour, Chen Zhaodi successfully gave birth to a daughter.

When Bai Xi heard what Xiao Hei said, she breathed a sigh of relief. At least no one would think it was her fault!

It's just that Bai Xi didn't know, because she asked Xiao Hei to listen to the news, so everyone regarded Xiao Hei as a blessing, and Chen Zhaodi was born so easily.

Chen Zhaodi's daughter's full moon banquet was lively because of Bai Xi's arrival.

After a series of procedures, it was time to choose a name.

Bai Xi's hand was held by the baby's hand, the soft touch made her feel amused, just when she heard that the baby was about to be named, Bai Xi immediately said that she would come.

"Okay, don't worry about it, I'll get it."

Chen Zhaodi's family was immediately happy when they heard this, and thanked them repeatedly.

"That's a good relationship, thank you, aunt, thank you, aunt..."

It just so happened that Xiao Hei would come in, and walked slowly towards Bai Xi, the people present were immediately stunned when they saw Xiao Hei.

Well, a big white tiger is named Xiao Hei. It seems that my aunt doesn't know how to choose names.

Thinking of this at the same time, the others looked at Chen Zhaodi with envy and sympathy.

It's fine if it's a boy, but if you give birth to a girl, if the aunt and grandma don't choose the right name, then you can't let it go.

Bai Xi didn't notice the change in everyone's expressions. She lowered her eyes and thought hard. After a few minutes, she finally said, "Call me, Chen Simin. My nickname is Sisi."

After Bai Xi finished speaking, Chen Daliu immediately took the lead in applauding, and explained complacently: "Sharp thinking, this name, Grandma, is very nice."

The people present were stunned for a moment, and immediately applauded in unison, Chen Simin, what a nice name.

Those who sympathized with Chen Zhaodi just now will immediately envy her.

Bai Xi pursed her lips secretly: "..." She didn't mean that, she just thought the name was not bad, but Chen Daliu explained it, so that's fine too.

No one thought that Bai Xi would choose such an elegant name. In fact, Chen Zhaodi had already thought about it. It doesn't matter how bad the aunt's name is. It's better than some shit, black baby, or fat.

But I didn't expect that my aunt would give her such a cultured and pleasant name.

Chen Zhaodi quickly hugged her daughter and kowtowed to Bai Xi.

Knowing that Bai Xi named Chen Zhaodi's daughter, Granny Li and Li Jia were envious. They also wanted to ask their aunt to name their two grandchildren that day, but they were afraid that the aunt would think they were greedy, so they didn't dare to mention it.

And Mrs. Chen was even more envious, but they didn't have the guts to think about it.

After the autumn harvest, it is already the end of September, but the weather still rains from time to time, but after the rain, the weather is extremely hot.

Not to mention the experienced old people in the village, even Bai Xi felt weird.

Because of the hot weather, Bai Xi wanted to soak in the water to cool off. When the commune's grain collection team came down to collect grain, Bai Xi didn't even want to watch the excitement.Of course, there is nothing to see.

This year's harvest was neither good nor bad. To be precise, if Chen Daliu hadn't led the villagers to reclaim a few acres of land, the grain would probably be lower than last year.

This time, the people in Niuluo Village didn't need Bai Xi to speak. After the food was dried and distributed, all households except one or two months' rations were all transported to the cave for storage.

After Bai Xi found out, she asked Xiao Hei to watch the cave.

But when he heard Xiao Hei say that he had met people from other villages in the mountains, especially people from the new village a few times, Bai Xi simply took Xiao Hei up the mountain and went to the cave to put the grain in the Qiankun bag.

No one can take the Qiankun bag except her, so I am not afraid of losing food.

(End of this chapter)

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